Friday, January 28, 2011

Making Money Guide

Yes, the GOP’s new chairman needs to raise money. But his biggest challenge will be rebuilding the ground game, which cost Republicans precious seats last fall.

All but a handful of the 168 members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) wanted Michael Steele out, but the race for GOP chairman still took six ballots. While Wisconsin Chairman Reince Priebus led every round, he won the final one with 97 votes, just 12 more than he needed.

The candidates largely agreed on the problems of the Steele era and many of the answers, but doubts lingered about every contender. Priebus’ advantage came from early endorsements by some of the committee’s respected figures, including Henry Barbour and Alec Poitevint, the national committeemen from Mississippi and Georgia, respectively. Enough committee members concluded if Reince was good enough for Henry and Alec, he was good enough for them.

Now comes the much harder part. The RNC is not just broke: it’s deeply in debt and reportedly without enough money to make payroll when the balloting began last Friday. The RNC has seen a nearly $50 million swing from almost $25 million in the bank when Steele became chairman to more than $21 million in the red when he left. The GOP HQ is likely to see checks roll in this week from donors grateful Steele is out, but it’s hard to raise money to pay off debt.

Priebus has told GOP insiders he understands the RNC’s grave financial position and will work the problem from both ends. He’s already fired Steele’s picks to run the 2012 Tampa Republican Convention. They were hired and dispatched to Florida last summer, more than a year before is customary, and immediately began running up big housing bills and other expenses. Priebus has also begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising pooh-bahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Priebus has begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising poobahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Reince Priebus conducts committee business after being elected chairman of the National Republican Committiee during the RNC Winter Meeting on Jan. 14, 2011. (Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images)

Despite Chairman Steele’s gaffes and financial shenanigans (like the big bar tab at a lesbian bar in L.A.), the RNC has seen healthy increases in direct mail and Internet giving. But this wasn’t matched by a growing total of larger gifts of up to $30,400, the limit for what the Republican and Democratic National Committees can accept. Steele didn’t do what a national chairman is supposed to do: spend lots of time on the phone begging.

Successful party chairmen spend half of their life on the phone or visiting major donors, making the case for checks from them and others in their rolodexes. This wasn’t Steele’s style. It will have to be Priebus’ style—and the major proven fundraiser he recruits as RNC finance chairman. There’s nowhere to go but up. Steele once tried to recruit a candidate for the finance job by promising to give a speech wherever the prospect wanted him to go. The guy turned Steele down, believing that if the chairman thought his making speeches was what made the cash register ring, Steele didn’t understand fundraising.

Then there’s the RNC’s political role. The good news for the quiet, almost shy but personable new chairman is he doesn’t have to do a lot of television. There is a phalanx of presidential candidates and congressional leaders to take on that task. He must focus on rebuilding the party’s once-vaunted ground-game operations handling voter identification, registration, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV).

The “72-Hour” or “Victory” program depends on volunteers drawn from local and state party committees and candidate campaigns. But only the RNC can provide the direction, training, technology, and metrics to guide these massive efforts. And the RNC’s cash flow is necessary to top off state party budgets in battleground states. Coming from Wisconsin, a place with a strong tradition of grassroots GOTV activity, Priebus knows all this is essential.

The GOP lost dozens of close contests in 2010 because the RNC provided only a fraction of the funding for “Victory” efforts that it has in years past. From more than half a dozen congressional races to gubernatorial contests in Vermont and Connecticut to Senate races in Nevada and Colorado, the RNC was virtually AWOL on get-out-the-vote efforts.

Restoring the RNC’s effectiveness requires time, discipline, leadership, and money. The new Republican national chairman has time and appears to have the needed discipline. Whether he gets the job done will depend on his leadership and fundraising.

Those on the RNC who know the new chairman think Reince is up for the big job. Lots of 2012 Republican hopefuls up and down the ballot hope that’s true. Count me as one. I made my contribution today online. Talk about change bringing hope.

Karl Rove served as senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to former President George W. Bush until 2007.

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SEO in the niche of web hosting and domain name registration

In this article we`ll try to generalize our practices in promotion of companies that provide web hosting and domain registration services.

We will talk about such questions:

  • Analysis of hosting / domain name registration market and finding potentially advantageous promotion directions;

  • Features of keywords selection in the conditions of SEO-pressure

  • Definition of promotion strategy

  • Methods of getting links

  • Features of different queries groups conversion depending on geography

  • Typical problems that interfere sites conversion and ways of their solution

Market analysis and competitive researches. Finding potentially advantageous promotion directions

First of all, it is necessary to note that a large traffic in the niche of web hosting is deceptive. If you look at Google AdWords Keyword Tool data you will find out the following picture:

In fact, there are about 400-500 visits from the 8th– 9th place for a query “hosting” per month. It`s necessary to consider this and other points while planning hosting project promotion, because information about a large amount of queries in the Google AdWords Keyword Tool is “stuffed” with endless positions checks. As the market of hosting projects and domain name registrars is extremely competitive, you have a great chance to invest money, work and time in promotion of such queries that are stuffed and do not bring traffic and sales, and after all you can incur losses and even remain disappointed in the search promotion at all. The same can be said about domain name registration.

In fact, there are about 500-600 visits from the 5th – 6th place for a query “domain” per month.

That`s why, in our opinion, it`s better to begin promotion of hosting project or domain name registrar with finding active competitors in the search marketing niche and define their strategies.  For this purpose we can recommend a wonderful tool – SemRush.

So, we need to find competitor sites in our niche, which are actively engaged in the Internet marketing. We just type highly competitive query corresponding to the topic in SemRush and find sites that are ranked well for it:

Now we need to make cleaning, i.e., remove irrelevant sites from the list. In this case, obviously, Wikipedia must be removed from the list. After checking a few queries important for you in the same way, we will receive a “crossed” list of sites. Sites from this list have good rankings for many queries in this subject, so they should be examined primarily.

Lets take a site as an example:

The example shows that, firstly, the number of search queries for which the site “hostgator” is shown has an explicit trend to growth. It reflects the efforts made by the owners of this project to increase its visibility in search engines.

After selection of queries that bring maximum traffic to the project according to SemRush, we get an approximate keywords list which can be used to start promotion.

Making the list of necessary keywords, let’s see whether it is a good idea for us to «meddle into a fight» for these keywords. You should consider such factor, as SEO-pressure, for this purpose.

Features of keywords selection in the conditions of SEO-pressure

You can use different tools to estimate a competition for the selected query. A plug-in for FireFox called SeoQuake is one of convenient free instruments.

Let’s type a relevant query interesting for us, e.g., business hosting:

You can see that some strong sites are present in SERP, and some of them have got from several hundreds thousand to millions of backlinks and even more. The competition in SERPs is about to be really strong, so I would like to repeat: you should select a semantic core very carefully. Moreover, there are sometimes artifacts in SERPs, and learning them is possible only from experience. Let’s take the query “ecommerce hosting”. This query is high frequency in subtopic «hosting for ecommerce sites», it has about 12 thousand searches per month in exact match worldwide:

We can see that the trends of search don’t show any sudden jumps or drops.

The target audience for these queries is in the U.S. and UK – the most creditworthy regions in general. However, traffic for such query from the American Google Top5 – Top6 is about 1-3 persons a day, with natural drops on weekends; it gives us about 40 people a month. A conversion rate for these queries is extremely low. Of course, promotion for this queries is acceptable only with the purposes of improving positioning and brand awareness, but as for sales it isn`t effective.

Let`s take a query “reseller web hosting” which has next data from Google KeyWord Tool worldwide, for comparison:

The query brings twice more traffic from the 4th-5th places having twice smaller amount of searches in exact match according to Google KeyWord Tool! Conversion rate of this query is also quite high. At that, Google Insights give the following data:

At the same time the great part of traffic and transactions comes from the U.S. and UK users despite of the fact that the site holds comparable positions also in

All of these patterns are also true for domain name registrars.

It’s impossible to know this information without experience in promoting a site for such queries or without trying PPC advertising in exact match. There are a lot of keywords like these, so you should constantly monitor all queries in the aggregate estimating of the effectiveness of each one.

You can also “pull out” perspective keywords making the analysis of the backlinks text anchor to sites of competitors who are actively engaged in search marketing. You can use special tools, for example, CS Yazzle or SEO SpyGlass by LinkAssistant, either manually using Yahoo! Site Explorer.

To estimate a real traffic on a query you may also try PPC in exact match.

The following method can be used to estimate keywords efficiency. The initial necessary data is:

  • Position for a keyword;

  • Traffic on it;

  • Estimated number of searches from Google Keyword Tool in the exact and phrase match for the world and top regions;

  • Quantity of page views;

  • Time spent on a site;

  • Bounce rate;

  • Conversion rate.

Microsoft Excel counts a parity of all these factors with the help of formulas and allows realizing efficiency/inefficiency of each keyword visually.

Perspective traffic, quantity of searches per month (data of Google AdwordsKeywordTool) and conversion data for each query are marked with green color. Indicators exceeded the average indicators for the site to the worse are marked with red (bounce rate, number of pages reviews).The percent of conversion which vastly differs to better from the average indicator for the site is marked with yellow color in the last column (Conversion rate).

Using this technique allows tracking the most convertible requests and receiving greater outcome from a client’s site.

Selection of promotion strategy

Based on our experience in promotion of projects in the niche of hosting and domain names registration we can say that the most high-frequency, convertible and competitive queries are in these topics exactly.

Shared vs VPS vs Dedicated

If to compare an earning power of dedicated servers sale (VPS) and earning power of shared hosting sale you will come to the conclusion that in general virtual (Shared) hosting sale is more profitable: one dedicated server sale brings around 200$ of income, at the same time sale of the same server “cutted” on virtual (Shared) hosting allows to earn much more (~100×5$), even with the consideration of the increasing load on a support.

However, traffic in Shared hosting subtopic is much less than in dedicated server subtopic. People interested in such things, according to our observations, come by queries like “cheap hosting”, “cheap web hosting”, and the quantity of such searches is very small because Godaddy and Hostgator take away the lion’s share of these customers, mainly due to type-in traffic.

In this case, it seems to be a good decision to perform promotion in the VPS and Dedicated sector.

Many companies, apparently, have come to the same conclusion: promotion for queries of “shared” group is much easier, than for queries related to dedicated servers.

Specialized kinds of hosting

As we have noted above, low-frequency traffic brings rather small part in general traffic and conversion; therefore, in our opinion, it`s better to begin promotion for high-frequency keywords with addition low – and mid-frequency keywords, which give a great bulk of sales and target traffic on a site. However, if your hosting site sells “exotic ” types of hosting, such as hosting with support of Zen Cart or Django, then such low-frequency, long-tail keywords can justify themself at the initial stages of promotion.

A cost of their promotion to the Top-10 is small, and similar “exotic hosting” is usually searched by people who understand the subject well and thus type long queries in search bars.

Eventually, when the site starts to rank well for competitive queries, it makes sense to “collect” low-frequency “long tail” of queries in subjects, not to miss this small piece of the market.

Also I would like to notice that promotion for keywords like “hosting” and “web hosting” is extremely difficult process due to high competition (though these keywords begin to “sell” beginning from top-20!)

Methods of getting links

The basis of search optimization are at the moment:

  • keyword research;

  • texts and meta tags optimization according to the keywords;

  • adding backlinks with correct “anchors” (with right reference texts).

As we have already noted, hosting sites have a large number of backlinks. How do they receive so many backlinks? This is obvious, that reviews and comments at forums will never help to collect tens thousands of links. Four main methods used in this theme should be picked out. Some of them are typical for other niches and some of them have unusual “boom” exactly in hosting and domain subjects.

  • Link exchange (the proper way)

  • Links buying (the smart way)

  • Getting links through its own affiliate program.

Conversion of search traffic

Let’s look at the comparative analysis of search traffic conversion in various regions (sample of more than 90.000 sales for “domain names” and more than 2000 sales for the “hosting” market):



















Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Fox News dominates in SOTU cable ratings. zzz Fox News was far and away the most watched cable news network during and immediately after Tuesday night's State of the Union speech. Here are the ratings from Nielsen Media Research. ...

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Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...


Z on TV: Fox <b>News</b> dominates in SOTU cable ratings - TV show critic <b>...</b>

Fox News dominates in SOTU cable ratings. zzz Fox News was far and away the most watched cable news network during and immediately after Tuesday night's State of the Union speech. Here are the ratings from Nielsen Media Research. ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...


Z on TV: Fox <b>News</b> dominates in SOTU cable ratings - TV show critic <b>...</b>

Fox News dominates in SOTU cable ratings. zzz Fox News was far and away the most watched cable news network during and immediately after Tuesday night's State of the Union speech. Here are the ratings from Nielsen Media Research. ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...


Z on TV: Fox <b>News</b> dominates in SOTU cable ratings - TV show critic <b>...</b>

Fox News dominates in SOTU cable ratings. zzz Fox News was far and away the most watched cable news network during and immediately after Tuesday night's State of the Union speech. Here are the ratings from Nielsen Media Research. ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...


Z on TV: Fox <b>News</b> dominates in SOTU cable ratings - TV show critic <b>...</b>

Fox News dominates in SOTU cable ratings. zzz Fox News was far and away the most watched cable news network during and immediately after Tuesday night's State of the Union speech. Here are the ratings from Nielsen Media Research. ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...



Z on TV: Fox <b>News</b> dominates in SOTU cable ratings - TV show critic <b>...</b>

Fox News dominates in SOTU cable ratings. zzz Fox News was far and away the most watched cable news network during and immediately after Tuesday night's State of the Union speech. Here are the ratings from Nielsen Media Research. ...

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Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Chesapeake Bay, Marcellus Shale environmental issues could collide <b>...</b>

The details come just as Pennsylvania struggles to calculate its bill for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. In all the hand-wringing and cost-crunching that followed the Dec. 29 news that Pennsylvania must...

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Darren Lewis is back with all the very latest transfer news and gossip.

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Are Chelsea in for Atletico <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with all the very latest transfer news and gossip.

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Are Chelsea in for Atletico <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with all the very latest transfer news and gossip.

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Are Chelsea in for Atletico <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with all the very latest transfer news and gossip.

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Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Are Chelsea in for Atletico <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with all the very latest transfer news and gossip.

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Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Are Chelsea in for Atletico <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with all the very latest transfer news and gossip.

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Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Transfer <b>news</b> Football Spy video: Are Chelsea in for Atletico <b>...</b>

Darren Lewis is back with all the very latest transfer news and gossip.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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Making Money on Line

I believe as a whole, Americans are a very compassionate and caring group of people. Along with that, I believe that most Americans would not willingly or knowingly allow someone to go hungry or uncared for. The amount of charitable contributions we make each year to organizations whose mission it is to help those in a time of need demonstrates the compassion of Americans.

There is however, a stark difference in freely giving to charity and being forced to serve another. When the government provides a service, no matter what that service is, where does the money come from to fund it?


The only way for government to give one American anything is to first, through the tax code, take money from another American. It must forcibly use one American to serve another American. In most literal terms, forcibly using one person to serve another is the definition of slavery.

So why do we continue to allow our government to enslave us?

Some would argue that our government should be there to provide a safety net, but how big does that net really need to be? Studies have shown that people change their behavior when the government provides welfare. With the “Great Society” programs of the 1960’s, came an increase in the number of unwed mothers and conversely when welfare programs were reformed in the mid 1990’s, the number dropped.

Big cities like San Francisco and New York have some of the most generous homeless programs in the country — they also have some of the largest homeless populations as well.

In Europe, where unemployment compensation benefits are very generous, people spend less time looking for jobs and in some countries, the dole is actually a career opportunity. Up until recently, unemployment benefits in the U.S. were modest and as a result, people took jobs that were available. Now, it seems to most that unemployment benefits will be extended indefinitely — giving little incentive to take a job that’s less than perfect.

Continued on the next page

Values, Value and Valuation — The money is all relative

Oh how timing sometimes works out to be funny. I was driving home tonight and started thinking about the value of products, the valuation of companies and how the values that a company portrays can change the rest. No sooner had I sat down to write this piece than the news of Goldman Sachs investing $500 million into Facebook broke and refreshed the entire thing in my mind. So let’s look at these three things, and try to see if one manages to sway the rest.


Do you, like me, find yourself more inclined to use or purchase something that comes from a company that you can believe in? The ethos of a company can — for me at least — completely break me away from the product. That very fact, because I feel that I’m likely not alone in my actions (or lack thereof) can have a serious impact on the bottom line of a company.

Look at Facebook, for instance. When the Social Graph was announced and the new privacy changes went into effect, many people threw up their hands in disgust. But many others continued with life as usual, even if a bit annoyed. Why? Because Facebook has this outward appearance of a company that’s simply trying to do cool things, and it needs information in order to do them. The company’s values seem, for the most part, to be in line with the things that we Internet users want. As such, there was a lot more wagging and a lot less barking from the angry dogs crowd.

You’re starting a company? There’s likely something to be said for developing an ethos ahead of time, making it known and then sticking to it. Would Google be where it is today if not for the “don’t be evil” tag line? Even if you don’t fully believe that the company runs that way, you still remember it. Point made.


When value exceeds cost, even by a single cent, the purchase will be made – Grant Cardone

That quote is one that has stuck with me for some time now. A few years ago I was making my living selling cars and it is sometimes exceedingly difficult to overcome the objection of price. In the technology world, we’re constantly being offered products for “free”. The only cost? A bit of information, a slice of our privacy or somethings similar. But then, after using those “free” products, we start to build our own value for them.

Don’t believe me? Just look at some of the things that you likely use every day. Gmail? You’d pay for that. Twitter? You don’t want to admit it, but it’s likely become a valuable asset to your daily Internet life. The same can be said for so many things and yet we get them for “free”. But there’s a down side to this issue as well — it becomes very difficult for a maker to charge for a product when there are free alternatives. Don’t believe that? When was the last time that a box office movie didn’t get a torrent version?

And yet, even as companies try to build value in their products, still others think that the economy allows for them to set their own values and tell us what something is worth. TV networks are probably the most well-known perpetrators of this heresy. Apple TV launched, ABC and Fox decided to jump on board and see what would happen. Some of the rest? They decided that $.99 was devaluing the product and yet as the provider of the product, there is no one entity that is more unqualified to name the value.

Consider it a lesson in business, I suppose. The potential buyer will determine the value of your product. Always.


Now here’s a sticky one. Valuation is one of those strange things because it means so many different things to different people. To the potential investors, it’s a measure of how much money can be made. To the business owner it’s a gauge of how well the business has done. To the end user? It’s…honestly not much.

As a case in point, around TNW we love Twitter. We want to see it succeed and we are sure that it will. The valuation continues to climb prior to any IPO and yet, as users of the service, it really doesn’t matter much to us. Sure, it would matter if the site closed its doors, but beyond that there simply isn’t anything about the valuation number that matters.

And so, as an entrepreneur you have to ask yourself where the balance lies. Do your company values allow you to build value in your product? If so, then the chances are that your valuation will end up right where it needs to be. There’s a fair amount of truth in the thought that, if you handle the small stuff, the big stuff will fall into place.

So with that, I offer you a thought going into the new year — start with your values. The rest will fall into place.

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All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

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Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

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ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » The Good, Not So Good, Bad &amp; Ugly On These Index <b>...</b>

The Good, Not So Good, Bad & Ugly On These Index ETFs (DIA, SPY, QQQQ, IWM)

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

personal finance budgets

A new year often means lofty resolutions, especially when it comes to planning and maintaining a travel budget.

Though there are many personal-finance sites and software out there, this year I'm resolving to use's free online tool. You can create plans for saving toward retirement and buying a house, but I'll be primarily using the site for its Travel Goals, which help you set -- and stick to -- realistic travel budgets.

And though the tool obviously doesn't do the hardest part (you still have to save the money), it does track how far or close you are to achieving your Travel Goal.

For example, say you want to go to Hawaii for a week this summer. Once you create a budget by filling in the estimates for airfare, hotel, meals, and other expenses, you can then specify how much you will contribute to that Travel Goal each month.

If you underestimate how much you'd need to save per month, the online tool points out: "Oh no! You aren't saving enough each month to reach your goal on time." The tool then offers you two ways to fix your Travel Goal: increase your monthly contribution in order to reach your desired travel date or postpone your planned date to fit your monthly contribution.

If you stay on track with saving the specified amount each month,'s budgeting tool highlights (and adjusts) the projected date of when you can afford to take the trip. Save more, and you could afford to take your trip a month or two earlier.

But if you slack on your monthly savings, the date will be pushed back -- a reality check and an instant motivator. Once you mentally equate an unnecessary clothing purchase or an impulse buy to the consequence of delaying your trip by a month, saving becomes a little more real.

Granted, most people will buy plane tickets and reserve hotels with a credit card several months before actually taking the trip; the tool helps track if you'll be able to easily pay it all off after your trip. After all, nothing ruins a vacation more than coming home to bills that you're not financially prepared to handle.

To fund my travels this year, I've linked my account to an ING Savings Account labeled Travel Fund.

How do you stay on track with saving up for a vacation?

[flickr image via]

Intuit-owned is heading to schools today with the launch of a free, online program designed to educate middle-school students about personal finance and financial management.

Mint has partnered with educational publisher Scholastic to develop materials that parents and teachers can use to teach children the ins and outs of personal finance management. The materials includes lesson plans as well as an interactive game, to teach children money management, budgeting and goals.

For example, the program teaches children the concept of compound interest with real-life math problems, and encourages children to set goals and budgets with their own current work opportunities (i.e. babysitting).

Mint says the curriculum will be expanded to 30,000 classrooms nationwide early next year. Considering the state of the economy and credit, teaching children financial literacy and sounds personal finance practices at an early edge is an incredibly important initiative. In terms of branding, this is a big win for Mint, which can start building awareness of its tools among students at an early age.


Apple stock dips on <b>news</b> of Steve Jobs&#39; medical leave | VentureBeat

Dean previously worked at the San Jose Mercury News, the Wall Street Journal, the Red Herring, the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register and the Dallas Times Herald. He is the author of two books, Opening the Xbox and the Xbox ...

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: January 18, 2011 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Scientists warn of a future "superstorm" in CA; Obama to discuss clean energy with Chinese premier's visit?; "Managed retreat" for California coastal town; ABC Reports On Fossil-Fueled Climate ...

Apple stock falls on <b>news</b> of Steve Jobs&#39; medical leave <b>...</b>

Apple shares have dropped after the announcement that CEO Steve Jobs is taking some time off to deal with medical issues. Shares of Apple fell 6.45% immediately after markets opened on Tuesday morning, but quickly made up about half of ...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Making Money Online With

Eight resolutions for retirement savers in 2011 [MarketWatch] "Now that 2010 year-end statements are arriving in the mail it's time to get back on the grid — and to make sure you start 2011 on the right foot, especially with your retirement accounts."

Extra Income Online: 5 Websites That Can Seriously Pad Your Pockets [Wise Bread] "Instead of taking on a second, or in some cases, third job to elevate your earnings, consider making use of these websites that can take you from rags to debatable riches."

11 Tricks to Cutting Travel Costs in 2011 [NY Times] " Here are 11 strategies — and some useful Web sites — to help you save on travel this year."

30 Things Broke People Say (That Keep Them Broke) [Smart on Money] "Why save money? You can't take it with you when you die!"

Save Money on Gas, Food and Travel: 13 Smart Tricks [MoneyWatch] "Here are 13 ways to trim some of these everyday expenses."


Love shopping? Aprizi is the Pandora of online fashion.

Fashion and machine learning don’t often make their way into the same conversation. Enter the new era of online shopping: Meet Aprizi, an etymological twist on the French word meaning to learn and the Italian word for prize. “We want you to discover on our site, and we want you to feel like you’ve won something,” explains one of the site’s co-founders Giff Constable.

The home page carousel displays four fashion items at once, and gives you the option to like and dislike each one. After twelve items, the carousel pauses to think, then returns with a new set of items that are smarter and catered towards your taste. This algorithmic approach to shopping is why people in New York City’s start-up scene are calling Aprizi, “the Pandora of online fashion.”

The carousel refreshes slowly but trust me, it’s much faster than a sales attendant learning your taste based on which items you leave on the dressing room floor. While at first, I only liked about 10% of what was offered to me, after two rounds of liking and disliking, the carousel noticabely started to catch on to the fact that I like the color purple, prefer natural looking, funky jewelry and outfits with bold patterns in bright colors.

The site pulls from hundreds of different merchants and includes hundreds of different items, adding about 50 new items a day. Items are selected by Aprizi’s 10 curators who were cherry picked from hundreds of applicants. All items on the site have to meet 3 categories: They have to be special, beautiful or meaningful; they can’t come from a big brand or celebrity and they have to be for sale.

The algorithm learns based on certain repeating semantic tags such as eco-friendly, artisan, handmade and based on which curators you tend to graviate towards. If you dislike heels or chunky bracelets enough, it’s smart enough to pick up on that and not show you heels or chunky bracelets again. However the constraints are flexible to keep a bit of diversity in there, particularly because their user base, mostly women, can be so fickle.

Aprizi also has a neat blog that includes articles titled “Dress Me” for categories like “Warm Weather Escape,” and entries by other cool NYC fashion start-ups, like this recent one from the founders of Of A Kind.

Celebrating independent design isn’t cheap. Almost every item I liked was between $250-$500. So then I started browsing by price and specific category and found neighborhood’s worth of beautiful, affordable clothing and accessories. The site saves all of your likes, as well as items you find on other websites through it’s bookmarklet.

It’s fun to walk down the street in the East Village, but it’s not fun to shop on the web, and we want to change that. -Giff Constable

Co-Founders Giff Constable the design guy and CEO and Liz Crawford, the CTO with a PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon were introduced by venture capitalists intrigued by Crawford’s work in machine learning. They beta launched in late September 2010 and have been doubling users every month since. In October, they had 2,500 users which grew to 10,000 visits in December. The start-up is currently working within New York’s not-so-secret yet still hush-hush co-working space, General Assembly.

The early-stage bootstrapped business is talking to investors and plans to start making money in the traditional way, you know, by selling stuff. From their users, Giff and Liz are learning a lot about which designers are trending and what’s popular. They plan to use all of that data to sell curated, limited runs of certain items in the near future.

After finding these Robot cufflinks from Etsy on Aprizi, I officially have a new favorite shopping site.

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Blagojevich defense wants Obama subpoenaed - Chicago Breaking <b>News</b>

Attorneys for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich today asked a federal judge to subpoena President Barack Obama to testify in Blagojevich's upcoming corruption trial on charges that include allegations Blagojevich sought to sell Obama's former ...

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 1/14 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! We have another round of Kansas City Chiefs news for you. On the house! Please read responsibly.

Wind warning expires - Chicago Breaking <b>News</b>

A wind warning for northern Illinois expired this evening after two days of high winds, with gusts today topping 50 mph through much of northern Illinois and northern Indiana. The warning was in effect today until 7 p.m., according to ...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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The Sage Springs Club and Spa was opened during 2002 and extends over 35,000 square foot. This spa provides a wide selection of therapeutic beauty and body treatment, like natural body scrubs, aroma therapy body wraps and personalized facials.

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The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

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The FOX411 Blog is your first call for celebrity and entertainment news. FOX411 brings you the latest scoops using FOX's unmatched reach in news, entertainment, TV and the Internet. Click on back now, ya hear? ...

Headless body and pipe bomb near school rattle Evanston - Chicago <b>...</b>

A bomb specialist enters Fitzsimons Park near Nichols Middle School in Evanston on Tuesday. (José M. Osorio/ Chicago Tribune) In the dead of night, an explosion ripped through Evanston's Fitzsimmons Park, shaking houses and waking ...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Making Easy Money

Harry How/Getty Images

While the Cincinnati Bengals don’t have much more to play for, the San Diego Chargers' postseason destiny already seems sealed, as they are one game behind Kansas City in the division and a wild-card berth is unlikely, as they are two games behind both Baltimore and the New York Jets.

Our latest NFL odds have the Chargers as -7.5 in this one with an over/under of 44 points.

Still, the Bolts will come to play behind standout QB Philip Rivers, who has the second best passing offense in the NFL and has thrown for 4,141 yards and 29 touchdowns with just 11 INTs.

The Bolts sure turned things around after starting the year 2-5 and went on a tear including a stretch of six wins and a single loss to the Raiders in Week 13. However, that loss to Oakland can be labeled as the one that ended their hopes of clinching the club's fifth straight AFC West title, as well as knocked them out of playoff contention.

The Chargers have played masterfully at times, and besides Rivers’ golden arm, they have also been able to nurture their rushing attack back from extinction. Running back Mike Tolbert leads the charge with 737 yards and 11 touchdowns, while Ryan Mathews is looking to have a bright future after several early season setback and rookie mistakes.

As good as the offense is, the defense has been that much better and ranks third against the pass and 11th against the run. Shaun Phillips leads the Bolts' pass rush with 11 sacks, while Antoine Cason has snatched a team-high four of the Chargers' 14 interceptions for the year.

That could play a huge role in cutting off the Bengals' passing attack in this one, as QB Carson Palmer has thrown 18 interceptions so far this season. Offensively, the Bengals have been dreadful, with many of Carson’s 3,396 passing yards and 21 touchdowns coning in garbage time.

The season has been a huge disappointment for Cincinnati, as they went from first to worst in the AFC North in just a single season and have one of the worst records in the entire NFL this season.

Running back Cedric Benson has gained 1,006 yards and seven touchdowns on the ground, but he too has continued to perform a little too late.

Flashy and sometimes controversial wide receiver Terrell Owens leads the Bengals in receiving but will miss the remainder of the year, leaving Chad Ochocinco as Carson’s main target.

Defensively, the Bengals have not been kittens, holding the opposition to just 25.9 points per game. With plenty of young talent, this could be the core strength of the team heading into next season.

Free Prediction: San Diego -7.5

I expect the Chargers to win this one outright and against the spread with their ability to move the ball and their stingy defense.

Interested in making some money this NFL season? Check out what our expert NFL handicappers have to offer in their weekly NFL picks.

Matt Schneider wrote “As intelligently noted at Hot Air, defaulting on one’s debts is not exactly “fiscally conservative,” not to mention the wisdom of following this advice is doubtful given that a Republican-induced economic collapse…”

A few questions for Matt: can you please elaborate on how not extending the debt ceiling is “defaulting on one’s debts?” More specifically, on what partifular debts will be be unable to *avoid default* if the debt ceiling is not raised? For example, if we commence bringing the troops home right now and close a bunch of overseas bases, will that save enough money such that we don’t need to increase the debt ceiling in April (I believe that is when it is expected to be reached). How about if we abolish the Departments of Education, Energy, HUD, etc.? If we make drastic cuts to such government entities, are we STILL going to default on anything? Or is the threat of default simply a concept to hide behind for those who want to continue unsustainable spending?

Take a look at:

Using 2010 as a baseline, we brought in 200 billion more in revenue than what is described here as “mandatory” spending. That suggests after mandatory spending, we could use the remaining 200 billion to operate the Federal Government. Further, I bet a bunch of what is listed as Mandatory Spending in the Wikipedia link is not really that. There’s about 600 billion of unspecified “other mandatory spending” in there, much of which is probably hooey. And commencing the restructuring of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid would similarly provide more headroom. So, the Dept of Education disappears? So what? The Dept of Ed we have totday didn’t exist before 1979. Did the country collapse without it? No. (In fact, Education was both better and cheaper.) Same with the Dept of Energy. Will the country collapse without the Dept of Energy? No. They don’t produce any energy. Same goes for 90% of our bloated government. We need courts. We need defense. (Though we’d be fine with a fraction of what we spend on defense now.)

Hard cuts are just that. HARD. Does not mean they don’t need to be made.

If the approach to a “debt ceiling” is to raise it every time it is reached, it’s not a debt ceiling at all. It’s a fat guy who gets fatter every day, with a legal commitment in writing to start a diet tomorrow. Always tomorrow.

What is more evil? Making hard cuts while we (perhaps) still can? Or kicking the can down the road to GUARANTEED PAINFUL, GUARANTEED COLLAPSE?

When two laws conflict, how are they reconciled? If we have a law that obligates us to spend, and a law that says we can’t spend any more, why is your default resolution that the “don’t spend any more” law is the one that must yield?

Curious to hear what you think.



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<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

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<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

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<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

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<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

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<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

<b>News</b> Corp. Insiders Talking About Selling MySpace To Yahoo

News Corporation (News Corp) is the world's second-largest media conglomerate (behind The Walt Disney Company) as of 2008 and the world's third largest in entertainment as of 2009. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive. ...

AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Arizona Shooting <b>News</b> (LIVE UPDATES)

PHOENIX -- A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people ...