Friday, July 29, 2011

Making Money System

Banks Cashing In On Data

If a person's primary method of payment is some type of credit or debit card, the banks know everywhere that person goes, what they spend their money on, what their preferences are, what locations they frequent and so on.

Selling that data is an interesting method of making money for banks. Federal regulations are strict on what customer data banks can share and with what entities. According to the Tribune story, the bank's system is set up in such a way that the deals are coming from the bank, not from the merchant. Data is processed between the merchants and the banks through intermediaries, such as Cartera or Cardlytics. Personally identifiable information is randomized and customers are given numeric codes, of which only the bank will know who the user truly is.

According to the Tribune, 58% of customers have redeemed at least one deal. The incentive programs are opt-out, which 2% of customers have chosen to do. Merchant funded incentive programs could be a $1.7 billion vertical for the banking industry by 2015, even with the banks only taking 25% of the fee for the incentive.

Privacy, Data, Money = Advantage Banks

Opt-in or opt-out is a tricky question when it comes to data and privacy. Companies like Facebook have gotten into hot water with privacy advocates by making changes to their privacy policy and settings opt-out in a way or place that a lot of users will not notice or check. Think of it this way - are you getting offers from your bank? Did you remember the bank asking you if it could share your information or was it in the fine print of your cardholder's agreement somewhere?

When it comes to the Internet, money is inextricably tied to user data. The companies with the most data about their users tend to make the most money. Banks are the perfect avenue for incentivized deals because they can offer merchants exactly what they are looking for.

For instance, a 29-year-old male with an income above $40,000 that purchases shoes three times a year would be a perfect target for a deal from Designer Shoe Warehouse or Footlocker. Groupon cannot give merchants that level of granular information.

What will this mean for the fledgling daily deals industry going forward? Groupon had a litany of risk factors in its filing for its initial public offering and "inability to stave off competition and clones" was one of them. Facebook and Google are secondary players in this market. Both have created various types of deals and "offer" campaigns, and they both pose a problem to the primary players since they already have significant amounts of user data.

Yet, the banks have more information about customers than any Internet company ever could. If the financial industry starts muscling into deals, do the likes of Groupon and LivingSocial stand a chance?

As someone who switches between the hats of freelancer and small business owner several times a day, I’m always on the lookout for software that will help me manage things like invoicing and expense management, financial reporting, project management and team discussion.

It’s not hard to find apps that excel at one of these things. What is hard is finding an affordable solution that allows me to manage all of these aspects of my business from one place, making it easier for myself and my team to get the busywork and administrative stuff out of the way and back to the work of creating content.

Paymo is an app that covers time-tracking, invoicing and project management for freelancers and small businesses. It’s challenging incumbents like Freshbooks, with an offering that is not only cheaper but — in many areas — stronger.

Paymo is a bootstrapped startup with an app built by a small team in Romania. Though they’re talented, their country of origin can make it hard to get any real traction in the West. Eastern Europe has started to create some great tech startups of late., which isn’t to be confused with, owned by American mobile payments company BOKU, is one of these.

Making you wait until the end of a review as long as this one to find out whether the app is worthwhile or not seems a bit unfair on the reader, so here’s the bottom line on Paymo: this week, I’m transitioning my freelance business and my small agency to run on Paymo, leaving a random collection of tools such as FreshBooks, project management apps and emails that belong in project managers behind. Paymo has everything I need to run freelance and small businesses, and I can see it scaling to medium size with relative ease.

The Dashboard

Paymo’s dashboard provides you with an overview of how time is being spent in your business when you log in for the day. It’s got charts that show the hours worked per day for the last week, as well as statistics and charts on how much business time was spent on work versus, well, nothing — it can tell you this because users set the work days and work hours of each week, making Paymo a good tool for ensuring that employees are spending their time wisely. With Paymo, time tracking is as useful for billing clients as it is for ensuring your team has been working.

Also on the dashboard is a Recent Activity summary, which shows you recent milestones and tasks that have been completed. You can get RSS or iCal feeds for recent activity.

Client Management

Paymo’s client manager is robust enough that most freelancers and smaller businesses won’t require a separate, dedicated CRM platform. When creating a new client, there are fields for a whole range of information for both the company, and your contact at the company, including an area to make notes in. Paymo lets you add a logo for the client for quick identification.

The Clients tab shows you an overview of all of your clients, including how many staff are allocated to them, the number of active projects they are on, and how many completed and archived projects you’ve done for that client.

The view for individual clients shows the contact information as well as all other details and notes for the company as well as the contact details of the individual you designated as the contact there.

You’ll also find financial statistics, such as how many unbilled hours you’ve done for the client, how much money is due from that client and a handy meter at the bottom that shows you how much of the time budget for each of that client’s projects has been used — you can set a number of hours per month per client project and the time you track or enter for the project will fill up the bar. This is a great feature if you have clients on retainer for a set number of hours to prevent you from going over.

There’s a chart for financial statistics, but it seems that I need to populate the system with more information before anything will appear there.

Project Management

The Projects overview is a simple view that lists each active project, their corresponding parent clients, and the used budget meter makes a reappearance. Clicking through to a single project, the first thing you’ll see is the overview tab, which contains data about the amount of time spent on tasks that fall under the project, recent activity, time worked, unbilled hours, and access to settings — such as the hourly rate on that project. From this view you can subscribe to a project specific RSS or iCal feed, and retire or delete the project.

On the Tasks tab, you’re able to set up a variety of task lists, which contain the actual tasks. Tasks can have a description, marked up with Textile, a due date, and related attachments. You can assign each task to a user, and determine whether that task is billable or not in case you include administrative tasks that you don’t normally bill for in project task lists.

You can save task lists as templates, which is fantastic if you work in a field where projects often look the same, at least to begin with. You can comment on tasks and discuss them with other users.

Milestones are an important part of all project management apps, and Paymo doesn’t disappoint. You can add milestones with a due date and a person responsible for ensuring progress towards that milestone, and associate it with a task list. Once the items in that task list are complete, the milestone is deemed reached, but you can manually complete a milestone without a task list.

Paymo’s data storage comes into play on the project level. The second-last tab in the project view is the Files tab, where you can upload and categorize images, documents and other files that are relevant to the project. Any file you upload as an attachment to a task will appear here as well.

Last but certainly not least is the essential Discussion tab. This tab works like a forum, where discussions are sorted by category, though there are none by default. As with most larger text inputs in Paymo, discussion posts can be formatted using Textile. There is unfortunately no way to reference attachments or tasks in discussions yet but the discussion area isn’t weighed down by bloat, which is a problem I commonly have with forum software.

The Timer

Paymo has a browser-based timer that can be launched from within the web app or a bookmarklet, and will appear as a smaller pop-up window easily positioned to the side of whatever you’re working on. It’s a breeze to use: select a project, a task, and hit the Start button. You can optionally include notes about the time spent, which allows you to easily account for every slice of time you spent on a project.

While some time tracking applications only allow you to tie time slices to clients and projects, Paymo has task management features right there in the timer. You can add a new task to a project to start timing right there and then, and mark a task as complete as well. You can’t set up a project from within the timer but once that’s done you can manage everything in it.

Paymo offers a desktop widget for Windows and OS X that simplifies the process of time tracking. While it is great to have the ability to track time from unexpected locations, a widget is more easily accessible and is still there when the Internet goes down. All you need to do after installing the widget is throw an API key into it, which is conveniently provided on the widget download page, and log in to your account. The widget is laid out just like the online time tracker so there’s no confusion.

While I doubt you’d even notice the size of the widget on a computer with a more regularly sized computer, I’m testing this on an 11″ MacBook Air which leaves me wishing there was a thinner option. The widget takes up about a quarter of the dashboard — still manageable, but a way to choose between the default view and a compact view would be fantastic.

While the beauty of tools like Paymo is that you can use a timer to automatically log how much work you’ve done on a project, you can also manually enter time slices into the Timesheet after the fact. If you go out on an in-person call or to a meeting, it’s less practical to use a timer. Or you may have simply forgotten to hit Start but still need to get paid for the past five hours of work.

Time tracking is certainly Paymo’s strongest suit. In the past seven years I’ve searched long and hard for a great way to unobtrusively track time and I’ve always hated the solutions I’ve tested. Paymo does it for me.

Desktop App

In addition to the desktop widget for time tracking, there’s a more fully-featured desktop application available. It’s still in beta, and comes in Windows and, more recently, Mac flavors.

As beta apps, they’re early on and not fully developed, but are an interesting way to see not just how much time you’ve spent, but how you’ve spent it. The app keeps a record of how much time you spent in each app you used for the duration, and allows you to sort them by client and project later.

This is a really cool feature: if you’re tracking time for Client A, but Client B calls you on Skype midway through, you can easily bill the appropriate clients for each slice of time and you won’t lose any billable hours due to not having an accurate account of the interruption.


Paymo’s Invoicing feature set is easy-to-use and robust without the bloat. From the overview, you can view and set the statuses on invoices. These include draft, sent, viewed, paid and void. Paymo makes it easy to export invoice data as CSV so you can set up Excel spreadsheets of your monthly activity and the like.

The invoice creator is a WYSIWYG affair, and draws on your company settings to populate the invoice with some default information, before you come in and set the individual details such as the client and the hours logged in question. You don’t need to draw on your tracked time and can enter fixed figures instead (or in addition). Like most invoicing apps, you can set taxes that are automatically calculated, provide notes, and so on.

One of the great things about Paymo invoicing is the ease with which you can change the currency of an invoice without having to go and edit the client settings separately. For a freelancer or small business owner with a situation comparable to mine — accounts in a range of different countries, paid in a range of different currencies — this small detail saves time.

Most apps don’t have a feature for this, and some that do (like Freshbooks) make it the default for the client in the future instead of just that invoice, which isn’t what I want.

Adding time to an invoice is a breeze. Click on Add From Time Sheet, select a date range — there are commonly used presets, such as the previous month — and barring any need to change details, click Submit. If you’ve set up your clients, projects and company settings properly, and tracked time accurately, creating an invoice is a matter of a few seconds and a few clicks.

You can create a PDF file from that invoice or provide your client with a permalink that shows them the invoice in the browser (with the option to download it as a PDF or print it). The most common route is to use the Send button which will email it from within Paymo.

Paymo has recently introduced a beta “pay online” feature that allows clients to click a Pay Now button on the invoice page they are taken to and pay the invoice then and there through PayPal. Despite the beta label it works like a charm.

Creating recurring invoices is just as easy, and can be done from the Recurring tab of the Invoicing section, or just by ticking the Recurring button in a new invoice. These can even be sent out automatically once configured so you don’t need to worry that you’ve forgotten to invoice and will be gnawing on your fridge, which with any luck has accumulated the flavors of its former contents, for sustenance next month.

Paymo has a section for expenses, which can be easily categorized, assigned to clients, and there’s a section to upload a scan of a receipt. You can mark these as unbilled or invoiced, depending on whether you want to claim a tax deduction or just get the money back from a client.

Next time you are editing a draft invoice or creating a new invoice for that client, there will be a notification on the editor that says there are outstanding expenses. Click one button and they’ll be added to the invoice with the description and amounts filled in.

If you frequently do estimates in your line of work, there’s a feature for that. It works much like the regular invoicing tool.


Paymo’s reporting makes it easy to generate custom reports and look over your business activity for any time period, from the current day to all time, which is something I’m fond of as a stats-and-charts junkie. It’s good to be able to see at a glance where most of your money is coming from versus where most of your time is spent, enabling you to make changes that improve efficiency and earnings.

You can get a rough idea of how much income you are looking at for the current month’s unbilled hours with stats on hours worked (sorted by either project or user), and a financial statistics chart that shows dollars billed and received per month, which is handy for seeing at a glance where overdue accounts receivable are.

You can view reports in the browser, and they can be downloaded in PDF or CSV format. I have a feeling that I won’t really be able to put Paymo’s reporting to test until I’ve got more data in the system — at least a month’s worth for any sort of report I’d base a decision on — but the system seems promising.

Team Management

Let’s skip the boring stuff, except for one quick sentence: you can create users easily enough and allow them an appropriate level of access to Paymo. But what sort of team management features does Paymo provide for business owners?

Running a distributed team means that while the working environment for each member is almost always more to their taste than an office with headache-inducing fluorescent lights and no fresh air, it’s harder to keep a boots-on-the-ground eye on how things are going and whether the hours are getting done.

Once you’ve set up a user’s working days and hours and they start tracking time, you can take a look at their user page, which shows the amount of time they spent working in the past week, and has a Performance meter. Obviously time worked isn’t the only measure of performance, but if your employees have been spending fewer hours than they’ve been getting paid for, you’ll want to know — and Paymo makes that easy.

You can view the user’s timesheets to get more details about the way they’ve spent their time, and see meters for every day in your Paymo account’s history that tells you how much of each work day was tracked.

It’s possible to set up ‘non-working days’ on a user-by-user basis, so that taking leave or a sick day doesn’t impact their performance rating. Finally, you can assign projects to users directly from their profile page.


Developers who want to build apps that work with Paymo, either for internal apps or for publicly available apps, are in luck. Paymo have an API that’s freely available to all users, with documentation that appears to be up-to-date with Paymo features.


If you go out for a meeting once or twice a month, perhaps it’s easier to manually input time spent later on as I mentioned earlier. But if your business is all about making house calls and the like, or you just like to be accurate to the minute, a mobile app is the way to go.

There’s a capable, free Paymo timer available for the iPhone, but there doesn’t seem to be an official Android app yet. There is an unofficial Android app available — it’s great to see that the API is doing its job in ensuring that Paymo is as accessible as possible on a variety of platforms.


There are three Paymo plans available. The first is free, and is great for those who just want a time tracker or freelancers with just a few regular clients. It includes three invoices per month, two users, 50MB of storage, unlimited clients and projects and the time tracking features.

The Basic plan at $9.99 per month drops the limit on invoices altogether and boosts the storage limit to 5GB. It’s designed for freelancers who need to send more than three invoices a month, and young startups.

Finally, the premium plan uses a per-user pricing model at $3.99 each, and applies to businesses who need more than two users to access Paymo. It currently supports up to 40 employees. Premium also gives users 15GB of data storage.


Paymo has several well-established competitors in the freelance and small business-oriented invoicing and time-tracking arena, like Freshbooks and LessAccounting.

LessAccounting has some fantastic offerings but puts more of its focus on the money. It’s used for tracking expenses, creating and sending invoices, keeping track of accounts receivable and so on. It starts at $30 a month and has add-ons for the assistance of a real bookkeeper with packages for 6 hours of help per quarter ($70) and 7 hours of help per month ($270). The offering is solid but the pricing and the feature set mean that users looking for something like Paymo aren’t likely to find their solution here.

FreshBooks has been in the game longer, and are best known for their invoicing features. The free plan is constricted to unlimited invoices but for only three clients, and their entry-level paid plan is $19.95 and has a 25 client cap — twice as expensive as Paymo’s plan without client or invoice limitations. Their strengths lie in the ability to send an invoice via email that makes it a breeze for the client to pay online through a variety of payment gateways, including PayPal. Using this in practice doesn’t always seem to pan out with the majority of clients (at least in my experience) having specific instructions as to how invoices should be received. The interface looks better than it works — I find it a bit fiddly — and the company’s foray into time tracking and project management has generally produced poor tools.

Paymo is faced with some capable alternatives. But their strengths are clear, Paymo strikes me as the best all-rounder suite for freelancers and small businesses who need a platform for not just money management but project management.

The Bottom Line

I told you at the start: Paymo is the app I’ll be using to run my business starting next week. After searching for an app with a feature wishlist that is pretty much summarized by Paymo’s actual feature list, and an implementation that doesn’t make me hate time-tracking, I’m sold.

If you’re paying a fortune to run two apps like FreshBooks and Basecamp, chances are all the features you need are in Paymo (though if you need the extra power that Basecamp’s specialization in project management provides, you can sync your Paymo account with it).

It has got some rough edges, but I’ve seen the Paymo team’s iterative approach at work and new features are tackled quickly and tested early. Paymo checks my boxes now, but I’m confident that anything I’ll miss won’t be far behind.

With a free account plan that lets you test out the full feature set, there’s no risk in giving Paymo a try. I suggest you head on over and see for yourself.

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U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men's National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
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Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
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Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
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Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
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Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
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Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
surface encounters macomb mi <surface encounters macomb mi

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
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Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
surface encounters rock tops surface encounters rock tops

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
surface encounters mi surface encounters mi

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
surface encounters mi surface encounters mi

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
surface encounters quality marbl... surface encounters quality marbl...

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
surface encounters quality marbl...

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>
surface encounters quality marbl... surface encounters.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati named Jürgen Klinsmann as head coach of the U.S. Men&#39;s National Team today, making him the 35th coach in the history of the program.

Klinsmann Named Head Coach of U.S. MNT - U.S. Soccer

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS <b>News</b> - TVNewser

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Are those who post unverified reports on Twitter playing an important role in the new ecosystem of news, or being irresponsible and indulging in gossip? That question goes to the heart of the idea of news as a process ...

Retweeting rumors and the reality of <b>news</b> as a process — Tech <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

Friday, July 22, 2011

How A Payday Mortgage Can Help You Financially

Have you tried applying to get a instant payday loansat a bank and had no collateral, property or good credit? In the event you said sure you probably remember the sting of rejection that arrived from not getting the kind of lending agreement which you required. Borrowing an amount of cash, of any dimension, is harder now than it was just two years in the past and for people who need extra cash to pay for unexpected expenses, health-related expenses or individual requirements obtaining a Payday Mortgage is the very best choice.

instant payday loans header940x198 by instantpaydayloans1

How you can Use For Payday Loans

If you want to use for a United kingdom Payday Loan or payday lending anyplace else within the globe you'll be asked to current the next products. one. Proof of income - At least six months of constant employment. 2. Evidence of age - You need to be 18 many years old or older. 3. Evidence of financial institution account - This really is needed because you need to write a examine to be given the mortgage.

The typical payday contract costs a substantial APR (Annual Percentage Charge) that will assortment from .00 to .00 based on how much cash you borrow. The APR that payday lending businesses charge has gotten lots of flak recently and also the negative suggestions isn't usually according to honesty. The high APR that payday lending companies cost is high simply because the term of the loan is brief (usually 2-4 weeks). The APR can also be higher than on other lending contracts due to the comfort with the short term mortgage.

How to Save Money On Payday Loans

You are able to save money on online payday loanby choosing a nearby Payday Loan Loan company over an online loan company. But in the event you live inside a state exactly where borrowing in opposition to your paycheck is outlawed you've to choose an on-line business. Once you have your Payday Cash Loan authorized, arranged priority to spend the mortgage off within thirty days because the lengthier you drag out the agreement, the more money you'll pay in finance charges to the loan company.

Track record Check Resources Simple And Price Efficient

It truly is regular to wonder regarding other's background, along with a public records will be the ideal technique to uncover this kind of info. If you are wondering about an additional person's background, utilizing an internet background examine will allow you to obtain the exact information you occur to be seeking. Within this article we'll present to you probably the most efficient way to uncover background info on anybody.

And by natural means these sorts of searches aren't only utilized by males and ladies who're curious, they are usually utilized for specific circumstances.

Firms who will be considering hiring someone new will frequently wish to check out a candidate's background. Some people may want to investigate the past of another individual they just started dating to uncover in the event the things they have been told by the guy or woman up to now is reliable.

A few organizations have began background check solutions online exactly where it's possible to carry out a track record search on a person. The internet pages that provide you document checks purchase and compile public records. You can easily then appear via these databases and uncover details on anyone.

At the time you submit the name with the person you're doing study on, the info will be displayed right on your display screen. It's really exceptionally handy . There are generally plenty of files to look at, and you are provided a login and password to ensure that you can go back again and have a look at them anytime in the long term.

Instant Background Checks by Investigations 123 People Search

Such track record checks usually cost roughly 20 dollars every, but it is possible to shell out around forty 5 bucks and this offers you unrestricted track record examine searches while you are a member.

If you're about to run a background document examine on a person, attempt the next trick to determine if you probably can obtain a hold of the information at no cost.

From time to time you'll discover info concerning the guy or lady just by operating a search in Google, although of course it is not as thorough and you might just find information about a various person using the same precise title. There's no harm in running a research inside a search motor. Whether or not or not it doesn't display you something, it is completely totally free of cost.

You can also put the person's name into the research motor together with quotation marks around the title. This fairly frequently assists to retrieve much more centered info, even though bear in thoughts that there is likely not any background information concerning the person that is published on a web website.

The web has created determining any type of information a great deal easier and background record checks are truly a ideal example. So when you are interested about someone's tale, attempt out an web track record examine.

Much more About Car Insurance Kinds

Did you know that exactly where you park your car at evening effects just how much you're having to pay for car insurance coverage every month? Most insurers won't tell you this when they are signing you up for his or her coverage and this is why you are paying much more money for car insurance coverage compared to subsequent person that you know.

How You are able to Save Money On Car insurance

If you would like to save cash on your current automotive insurance strategy or discover cheap car insurance you need to think about applying one or all of the tips in this article to your insurance coverage coverage. one. Maintain a good credit score rating. two. Always ask your insurer for reductions (example: great pupil discount or great driver discount). three. Safeguard your car with the alarm or perhaps a safety gadget. four. Maintain your automobile in great situation. 5. Pay a higher deductible every year. These steps can all conserve you hundreds of bucks per yr and simplify your life.

car insurance by advicecarinsurance

How Your Automobile Effects What you Spend Each and every Month

For many individuals if they've a quick, substantial profile automobile it is their child and they would never trading it in for something more affordable and decrease profile but if you are on a spending budget and trying to conserve cash every month you should give selling or investing in your car some believed because choosing a various automobile may be the distinction between saving or investing a few hundred or much more per year in auto insurance online.

One with the things that you should by no means do is think about driving without insuring your car because the implications of driving with out it are far greater than having to pay for an insurance coverage coverage on your car each and every month. Besides the severe financial problems resulting from an accident including personal bankruptcy at the very minimum you can face tickets, fines, impounding of one's car or more in the event you generate with out it. That is why it is always much better to have insurance coverage in your vehicle or start walking much more until you are able to manage it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Know The Importance Of your Totally free Credit score

Much more and more loan companies, employers, landlords and insurance coverage businesses are checking your FICO score as component of their procedure of approving your mortgage, landing a career, having your own house to live, or good prices given for just about any kind of insurance that you might have utilized for. To achieve all of those things which you are dreaming of accomplishing building a good online credit report history will be the initial factor that you need to do if in case you acquired 1 with a bad history.

Credit scores start from the reduced 300 towards the cream with the crop 850. A normal consumer includes a credit range of 600 to 700 but some might have much more than this. A FICO score is the foundation of most lenders and credit bureaus of computing your creditworthiness. A great credit score falls on an average of 720 and over. Where does one get the info on their respective credit scores? By law this is offered for totally free as soon as a year coming from the 3 main credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Your scores and credit score history exhibits your present and closed accounts as well as your payment history.

Lenders do generally have a appear in your instant credit report background because the basis on whether they will grant your mortgage at a great rate of interest or deny this completely. If right now you are intrigued on applying to get a mortgage that necessitates a high credit score then it could be best to apply for FICO score monitoring which generally provides you an update in your scores on a weekly basis. Subscribing to this online support alerts you whenever you have attain your substantial score goal as long as you setup a threshold for it. Some would go as far as sending you an sms to alert you whenever your scores have change for the better or for the worst.

Get 720 Credit score and know about credit repair secrets from by bbrij873

To help you build a much better credit score score and history here are some simple guidelines to follow:

Request a copy of one's credit history as required if not wait around for it once a yr but do keep track of your background for any mistakes. In the event you see discrepancies then you are able to dispute them by heading through your reviews thoroughly.

Spend your expenses promptly. Add some more on the minimal quantity that you usually spend since this would cause your credit score score to rise and would be noticeable for many loan companies that you are a good borrower simply because you pay on time and is also sincere in settling your expenses.Avoid maxing out in your credit limit. This may certainly cause your credit score scores to drop that fast. Cancel credit score cards which you are not utilizing or don't require and pay promptly for your bank card expenses.

Hoodia As a Weight loss Supplement

The way hoodia gordonii works is very straightforward. Following consumption, the lively molecule in Hoodia-P57-acts as a organic blood sugar stabilizer, which in flip prevents the insulin spike that triggers hunger. The result is definitely an extended feeling fullness, often for up to six hrs following eating, and the elimination with the urge to snack in between meals. Which is why they're said to become among the top diet plan capsules that operate.

What this signifies is always that folks who eat significantly less on the every day foundation, often resulting in weight reduction. For example, in a very 2006 examine conducted by Phytopharm pharmaceutical company-the major researcher of Hoodia diet supplements-obese topics who consumed Hoodia ate 1000 calories much less a day, and 7000 calories less per week, than subjects denied Hoodia.

Considering that it normally requires a deficit of 3000 calories to shed one pound of body weight, this could simply translate to a lack of two lbs per week, and a loss at least10 pounds monthly. For this cause, the weight reduction business is now harvesting and production Hoodia Gordonni as a diet plan supplement. Hoodia diet supplements are easily accessible online and in well being food shops everywhere.

Hoodia gordonii hybrid flower by Martin_Heigan

Diet capsules that perform are extremely hard to arrive by, specifically on the web. So in case you aren't comfortable with buying them on-line, then we recommend browsing your community supplement retailer in city to view if they've any of what you're trying to find. Chain well being food shops like GNC, Wholefoods, etc. are very good about carrying diet supplements that work like hoodia.

Hemorrhoid Therapy - Understanding the very best Treatment

Individuals with hemorrhoids frequently inquire typical concerns like are what the leads to of hemorrhoid and the way can the discomfort be stored below manage.

Hemorrhoids are intestinal tissues within the anal region. When an individual puts an excessive amount of stress on it whilst defecating, the veins will swell, causing hemorrhoids to type within or outdoors the anal canal. These conditions are more generally known as inner and exterior hemorrhoids, respectively.

There are two methods of hemorrhoid treatments - the health-related way and also the all-natural way. Because the title implies, the health-related way involves numerous surgical functions such as rubber band litigation, and hemorrhoidectomy for more serious conditions. Even though they're effective in getting hemorrhoids below control, they can be quite expensive and may take time for you to recover. Pain is also inevitable throughout the therapeutic time period. In cases where the root cause was not addressed, recurrence of the hemorrhoid may be expected.

The natural method, however, is preferred by vast majority of people struggling with hemorrhoid due to the reality that you will find extremely few unwanted side effects. This really is apart from the reality that the natural technique tends to be much less costly. This will be the cause why there are dozens of all-natural hemorrhoid remedies which are available within the market today. A number of these treatments work, but a couple of are but rip-offs. In order for you personally to get the right one, you should be acquainted using the different natural techniques and what they are able to do. Here are seven quick and all-natural hemorrhoid treatments to ease the discomfort and stop your hemorrhoid from bleeding.

If you want long-term reduction from hemorrhoids, the first thing you need to do is to maintain a wholesome diet plan. You can do this by drinking lots of fluids and consuming meals high in fiber like bananas, potatoes, carrots, and cauliflower. Cereals, whole wheat bread, and pastas also as beans and nuts are also fiber-rich meals. These meals kinds will help you in getting a easy bowel motion since they make your stool softer. This indicates which you don't require to exert too much effort and stress in defecating.

So much noise and nothing to say (hemorrhoids) by Simone Pelliconi

Additionally, avoid foods that are rich in caffeine also as these that can trigger indigestion. Quick meals and processed foods ought to also be avoided because they trigger stool to turn out to be harder.

Aside from maintaining a wholesome diet, you should also maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercising is a superb means of decreasing stress inside your system. Running, brisk walking, and swimming are some of the activities that you can do to prevent hemorrhoid cure.

Application of witch hazel and aloe vera on the affected region will even help. These hemorrhoid treatments can help ease the pain and reduce the inflammation with the hemorrhoids. It also pays to possess a warm bath as well as a sitz bath, a type of warm bath that is used to clean your anus. The warm h2o that arrives out from the nozzle will relax the hemorrhoids and may assist keep the signs and symptoms from coming back again.

Also, when you've acquired to go, you have got to go. Defecate only when essential and do not invest a long time in defecating. Finally, breathe when you are defecating. Individuals who hold their breath are more prone to having hemorrhoids because they put much more stress and pressure on the veins of the rectum.

These 7 hemorrhoid treatments will surely help in easing absent the discomfort and stop the bleeding. Likewise it will also help you live a comfortable life and stop the embarrassment which you really feel due to your condition.

Best House Remedies for Genital Warts Treatment

When it comes to utilizing a genital warts relief there are a couple of various choices. You are able to choose to have them surgically removed or you can use a product known as Wartrol. This is really a gential wart cream which you rub around the region. When this treatment is utilized straight towards the area it'll give you immediate reduction. When they are surgically eliminated they're generally frozen with liquid nitrogen or laser treatment.

Whilst having genital warts treatment is no enjoyable there's an simple way to repair it. If you catch it early you are able to use a genital warts treatment like Wartrol to obtain rid of them. So in the event you think you've genital warts then it's best in the event you consider motion now, because the earlier you deal with this the quicker and simpler they'll disappear. Also, get a genital wart cream that uses FDA approved ingredients because that means it's secure to use and that the product actually works. Sometimes cheaper isin't always much better!

genital_warts - 41 by PLGSTD05

By boosting your immune system you are able to fight back in opposition to genital herpes. Good homeopathic cures are available to help your body battle this. These kind of remedies might be less efficient but it is an additional choice which you have.

Genital warts are both annoying and embarrassing. But, it becomes much more embarrassing when you are in the Doctors workplace and there's someone inspecting them close up. By using a product at house you can avoid the embarrassment. Wartrol will be the one item that will be ordered online.

By doing this you will be in the privacy of one's own house and even the delivery and billing is discreet. The product uses the very best all-natural components that have been proven to be a very efficient genital warts therapy. Try it these days and you won't be dissatisfied.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


After you contemplate marketing your small business on golf courses, you'll find unique issues to become considered just before purchasing indicators. The first cause is high quality of your signs. Be sure that the indicators that show your brand are produced employing materials which will withstand the toughest of environments and don’t involve significantly upkeep.

Go for a wide choice of supplies - aluminum, bronze, granite, redwood, sandstone Kingstone or Rinowood to search out the sign that suits for your enterprise requirement. You'll find some reputable firms that supply great turnaround time that would make sure your satisfaction from their service. A reliable firm that gives good service is Bench Craft Company. You can make contact with such an marketing firm straight and get a quote. You desire your indicators to search appealing and sophisticated.

Golf cart is one more successful way of reaching golfers. You may have your advertisements in direct sight of your golfers when they ride the cart. An typical round of golf lasts for 5 hrs, which suggests a lot of time to acquire enough impression. Billboards are the major advertising items on golf courses. It has double sides, which assists in displaying ads on the two sides. It may be set up amid the assistance poles on the front or rear side from the cart. The excellent size for billboards is 4x36 inches and, it can vary as outlined by the course. And, you are able to remain assured that it can deliver you 300 to 400 impressions in a round.

A pin seeker banner is another effective way of branding around the golf course. Along with the essential information about the course, you'll be able to also display your brand or logo on pin seeker banners. This really is set up amid the assistance poles on the front and rear side of the golf cart. They also have a perfect size of 4x36 inches, which can retain varying as outlined by the course. Similar to the billboards, they could also enable your messages receive as several as 300 impressions in a round.

The GPS around the golf cart may also be used as a fantastic advertising medium. The crucial distance data is generally checked by golfers, and you can get your advertisements displayed beside the display. The GPS units are mainly installed on the dashboard or around the windshield. And, the advantage of marketing on digital technology is that you can update your advertisements whenever you need.
Advertising firms like Bench Craft Company supply comprehensive sponsorship and marketing choices that make it possible for your brand to achieve matchless exposure towards the high-end golf players and audience. Utilizing the considerable marketing options, you can get your brand messages displayed on golf courses for lengthy periods of time.

The advantage of advertising on golf courses is the fact that it gives you more than 90% reach to golfers and audience, and there is certainly no other medium that delivers so much achievement rate. Considering that your brand gets an extended period of exposure, golfers will be ready to view your ads from 1 to six hrs around the basis in the placement. And, this means that you simply obtain positive recognition for your brand as golfers will link it with enjoyment. And, when you are operating with skilled marketing firms, it is possible to stay assured that there's no cluttering as every placement will carry separate brands.
An additional powerful marketing medium is the golfer’s bag. Golfers drive around the course with their bags or they just leave it with the bag drop, nevertheless it can often receive a minimum of 30 impressions inside of a round.

An additional marketing medium to attain a wide spectrum of golfers is through driving ranges. The common session can last from 30 to 45 minutes, and you can get unique impressions to your brands and merchandise.

Driving range displays help you attain golfers of unique ranges. You get best logo positioning in specific hitting bay. Advertising firms styles driving ranges, customized to suit the present range configuration of each and every course. This includes pop-out banners, A-frames and materials for mesh banner.

Specialist marketing firms guarantee extensive flexibility so as to make sure that your business gets connected along with your audience inside a manner it makes sense.

Nearly all of the respected golf course advertising firms permit you to select inventory in the golf course or for golf occasions. And, due to the fact the campaigns might be customized, they are going to always match into to your price range. The length of the advertising campaign can variety more than golf seasons or over months.

And, all of the attributes of the campaign are facilitated by the marketing firm. This consists of layout, placement, reporting and maintenance. And, the approval from the golf course, for the inventive material, can also be the responsibility of the advertising firm. For anyone who is thinking about exploring golf course advertising to promote your business, you then ought to definitely look into

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ways of Making Money

Are you headed to the beach this summer, on vacation or just working flat out to pay for college? If so, staying in touch with your friends probably seems complicated. While you can use Facebook for sharing information, there are lot of things you might not want your mom, your grandma or the girl you babysat for in sixth grade to know all the details about. If that’s the case, consider these 4 ways to stay in touch on summer break.

1.) Chat Face to Face: Want to chat face to face but your best friend is 300 miles away? Then consider using Windows Live Messenger as a free way to video chat with your friends and family. Not to mention, you can run Facebook while you’re chatting, which is pretty sweet.

2.) Show Off: Looking for a way to prove your beach locale is better than theirs? With the panorama photo feature in Photo Gallery, you can stand in one spot, turn around 360 degrees taking photos and then stitch them all together. In the end, you can get sexy shots of great locations.

3.) Type from the beach, the park, or the lifeguard booth: Netbooks are great because you can take them anywhere and they are about the size of a clutch, a paperback book or a notepad. Plus, they have a lot of the same great resources as your PC at a pretty affordable price point. Ben the PC Guy recommends the Sony VAIO W in the Imperial Lime Edition, which is epic looking, of great quality and made of recycled cds. Doesn’t that rock? (No pun intended...)


4.) Escape to the woods and make movies: If you are looking to film the next underground horror film but don’t have the money for expensive editing software, you’re in luck. With Windows Live Movie Maker you can make your own movie, insert captions, add audio content and insert still images. When it’s all put together and captions have rolled, no one will know the difference. Plus, you can easily upload to YouTube and send to your friends.

I’ve always wanted to be the girl who gets killed off first in the horror movies; she gets the initial shock factor but no one remembers her name making her a trivia nut’s favorite. A girl needs a fan base. My guess is that @BrandonLeblanc would be the one who unwittingly saves the day. Come on, now, who would you want to be?

Let me know in the comments or tweet me @Kristinalibby to discuss your fav summer horror films!

Are you headed to the beach this summer, on vacation or just working flat out to pay for college? If so, staying in touch with your friends probably seems complicated. While you can use Facebook for sharing information, there are lot of things you might not want your mom, your grandma or the girl you babysat for in sixth grade to know all the details about. If that’s the case, consider these 4 ways to stay in touch on summer break.

1.) Chat Face to Face: Want to chat face to face but your best friend is 300 miles away? Then consider using Windows Live Messenger as a free way to video chat with your friends and family. Not to mention, you can run Facebook while you’re chatting, which is pretty sweet.

2.) Show Off: Looking for a way to prove your beach locale is better than theirs? With the panorama photo feature in Photo Gallery, you can stand in one spot, turn around 360 degrees taking photos and then stitch them all together. In the end, you can get sexy shots of great locations.

3.) Type from the beach, the park, or the lifeguard booth: Netbooks are great because you can take them anywhere and they are about the size of a clutch, a paperback book or a notepad. Plus, they have a lot of the same great resources as your PC at a pretty affordable price point. Ben the PC Guy recommends the Sony VAIO W in the Imperial Lime Edition, which is epic looking, of great quality and made of recycled cds. Doesn’t that rock? (No pun intended...)


4.) Escape to the woods and make movies: If you are looking to film the next underground horror film but don’t have the money for expensive editing software, you’re in luck. With Windows Live Movie Maker you can make your own movie, insert captions, add audio content and insert still images. When it’s all put together and captions have rolled, no one will know the difference. Plus, you can easily upload to YouTube and send to your friends.

I’ve always wanted to be the girl who gets killed off first in the horror movies; she gets the initial shock factor but no one remembers her name making her a trivia nut’s favorite. A girl needs a fan base. My guess is that @BrandonLeblanc would be the one who unwittingly saves the day. Come on, now, who would you want to be?

Let me know in the comments or tweet me @Kristinalibby to discuss your fav summer horror films!

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

So I wonder whether News Corp. will have to get out of the news business to save the business of News Corp. For it's not so bad to be rapacious when you're in the entertainment business. ...

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

<b>News</b> of the World Hacked Cops Investigating <b>News</b> of the World Hacking

We already know that the News of the World hacked the phones of virtually everyone in England, including dead people and the prime minister and, probably, you. But with the latest revelation, the scandal has actually ...

<b>News</b> of the World Hacked Cops Investigating <b>News</b> of the World Hacking

Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Digital <b>...</b>

Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Nikon has announced an inexpensive macro lens aimed at entry-level DSLR users. The AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm f/2.8G offers true 1:1 macro in a compact, ...

Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Digital <b>...</b>

bobby ferguson illinois

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

So I wonder whether News Corp. will have to get out of the news business to save the business of News Corp. For it's not so bad to be rapacious when you're in the entertainment business. ...

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

<b>News</b> of the World Hacked Cops Investigating <b>News</b> of the World Hacking

We already know that the News of the World hacked the phones of virtually everyone in England, including dead people and the prime minister and, probably, you. But with the latest revelation, the scandal has actually ...

<b>News</b> of the World Hacked Cops Investigating <b>News</b> of the World Hacking

Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Digital <b>...</b>

Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Nikon has announced an inexpensive macro lens aimed at entry-level DSLR users. The AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm f/2.8G offers true 1:1 macro in a compact, ...

Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Digital <b>...</b>

Are you headed to the beach this summer, on vacation or just working flat out to pay for college? If so, staying in touch with your friends probably seems complicated. While you can use Facebook for sharing information, there are lot of things you might not want your mom, your grandma or the girl you babysat for in sixth grade to know all the details about. If that’s the case, consider these 4 ways to stay in touch on summer break.

1.) Chat Face to Face: Want to chat face to face but your best friend is 300 miles away? Then consider using Windows Live Messenger as a free way to video chat with your friends and family. Not to mention, you can run Facebook while you’re chatting, which is pretty sweet.

2.) Show Off: Looking for a way to prove your beach locale is better than theirs? With the panorama photo feature in Photo Gallery, you can stand in one spot, turn around 360 degrees taking photos and then stitch them all together. In the end, you can get sexy shots of great locations.

3.) Type from the beach, the park, or the lifeguard booth: Netbooks are great because you can take them anywhere and they are about the size of a clutch, a paperback book or a notepad. Plus, they have a lot of the same great resources as your PC at a pretty affordable price point. Ben the PC Guy recommends the Sony VAIO W in the Imperial Lime Edition, which is epic looking, of great quality and made of recycled cds. Doesn’t that rock? (No pun intended...)


4.) Escape to the woods and make movies: If you are looking to film the next underground horror film but don’t have the money for expensive editing software, you’re in luck. With Windows Live Movie Maker you can make your own movie, insert captions, add audio content and insert still images. When it’s all put together and captions have rolled, no one will know the difference. Plus, you can easily upload to YouTube and send to your friends.

I’ve always wanted to be the girl who gets killed off first in the horror movies; she gets the initial shock factor but no one remembers her name making her a trivia nut’s favorite. A girl needs a fan base. My guess is that @BrandonLeblanc would be the one who unwittingly saves the day. Come on, now, who would you want to be?

Let me know in the comments or tweet me @Kristinalibby to discuss your fav summer horror films!

Are you headed to the beach this summer, on vacation or just working flat out to pay for college? If so, staying in touch with your friends probably seems complicated. While you can use Facebook for sharing information, there are lot of things you might not want your mom, your grandma or the girl you babysat for in sixth grade to know all the details about. If that’s the case, consider these 4 ways to stay in touch on summer break.

1.) Chat Face to Face: Want to chat face to face but your best friend is 300 miles away? Then consider using Windows Live Messenger as a free way to video chat with your friends and family. Not to mention, you can run Facebook while you’re chatting, which is pretty sweet.

2.) Show Off: Looking for a way to prove your beach locale is better than theirs? With the panorama photo feature in Photo Gallery, you can stand in one spot, turn around 360 degrees taking photos and then stitch them all together. In the end, you can get sexy shots of great locations.

3.) Type from the beach, the park, or the lifeguard booth: Netbooks are great because you can take them anywhere and they are about the size of a clutch, a paperback book or a notepad. Plus, they have a lot of the same great resources as your PC at a pretty affordable price point. Ben the PC Guy recommends the Sony VAIO W in the Imperial Lime Edition, which is epic looking, of great quality and made of recycled cds. Doesn’t that rock? (No pun intended...)


4.) Escape to the woods and make movies: If you are looking to film the next underground horror film but don’t have the money for expensive editing software, you’re in luck. With Windows Live Movie Maker you can make your own movie, insert captions, add audio content and insert still images. When it’s all put together and captions have rolled, no one will know the difference. Plus, you can easily upload to YouTube and send to your friends.

I’ve always wanted to be the girl who gets killed off first in the horror movies; she gets the initial shock factor but no one remembers her name making her a trivia nut’s favorite. A girl needs a fan base. My guess is that @BrandonLeblanc would be the one who unwittingly saves the day. Come on, now, who would you want to be?

Let me know in the comments or tweet me @Kristinalibby to discuss your fav summer horror films!

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We already know that the News of the World hacked the phones of virtually everyone in England, including dead people and the prime minister and, probably, you. But with the latest revelation, the scandal has actually ...

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Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

So I wonder whether News Corp. will have to get out of the news business to save the business of News Corp. For it's not so bad to be rapacious when you're in the entertainment business. ...

Will <b>News</b> Corp. leave the <b>news</b> business? « BuzzMachine

<b>News</b> of the World Hacked Cops Investigating <b>News</b> of the World Hacking

We already know that the News of the World hacked the phones of virtually everyone in England, including dead people and the prime minister and, probably, you. But with the latest revelation, the scandal has actually ...

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Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Digital <b>...</b>

Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Nikon has announced an inexpensive macro lens aimed at entry-level DSLR users. The AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm f/2.8G offers true 1:1 macro in a compact, ...

Nikon launches AF-S DX Micro Nikkor 40mm F2.8 macro lens: Digital <b>...</b>

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