eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger
eric seiger
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger
eric seiger
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger eric seiger
eric seiger
eric seiger
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
Gold Guides are plastered on every World of Warcraft website promising untold riches for little effort. Pictures of scantily clad night elf girls lounging on flying epic mounts lure us with the promise we too can be gleaming golden goblin princes if only we pay the price. Master the dirty little secrets of World of Warcraft gold for free as described by a hardcore veteran player.
I am a four year veteran of World of Warcraft and I have multiple level 80 characters. During the time I have played Warcraft I have done it all, seen it all and read a few gold guides along the way. Although I am not yet a Warcraft gazillionaire or richer than a goblin prince, most of my characters have epic gear, flying mounts and nice epic gear and toys. The principles of making gold in World of Warcraft are well known to veteran players and all any gold guide does is put a slight twist or exaggeration on what we already know. So are you ready to be in the know? Good! There are only six ways to make large amounts of gold in World of Warcraft and when you are done reading you will know them all.
#1 The Auction House
As any gold guide will tell you, the Auction House in World of Warcraft is the kingmaker of the wealthy. Get the Auctioneer addon from and search for items that are being sold for 30-50% less than their real value, mark them up and resell them. Reinvest your earnings to buy more items and make larger profits. Another trick is to buy undervalued magic items, disenchant them using the enchanting skill and sell the enchanting materials for a profit.
The best trick of all is to know the auction house well and when people will buy certain items. You can list potions and elixirs around 5 pm server time for 30% more because raiders will be getting stocked up for their nightly adventures.
Every Sunday morning people will buy aquadynamic fish attractors for the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza, be ready to supply them and mark up the item. During the feast of Winter Viel people will pay a gold each for small eggs, stock up! A couple of weeks before the feast, visit Moonbrook cemetery in Westfall and kill vultures, in about 20 minutes you will have a huge stack of small eggs. The better you know your server and what sells well, the more money you will make and there is no substitute for experience, learning your server and taking risks.
Use all the auction houses, pets and faction specific items sell well at the neutral goblin auction houses. Anything that is hard for the other faction to get is a potential money maker. Make a low level character on your account who waits right beside the town auction hall and mail box, put them to work raking in the gold while your main character farms.
#2 Grinding
Gold guides will all tell you that there are secret grinding spots where you can make a fortune off drops. Oh really? I have yet to see any gold guide that has listed one I don't know about already. The basic rule of thumb for choosing a spot to grind is to look for mobs that drop cash, crafting items or cloth for a reasonable amount of effort.
Before Wrath of the Lich King, I used to earn hundreds of gold every hour Area of Effect grinding as a frost mage on Sunfury Researchers outside of Mana Forge Coruu. The reason I made gold was because the mobs dropped generous amounts of silver, sunfury signets, arcane tomes, cloth, magic items and rare recipes. I could kill Sunfury Researchers constantly with systematic pulls. This is what you are looking for: constant respawn, easy to kill and lots of swag.
The new best place to grind? If you don't already know what the equivalent is, visit and go to the zone section. Allakhazam lists all of the zones for World of Warcraft and what types of mobs are in each zone. Look at the mobs and find the ones with the best loot, then visit them and judge for yourself if they are worth your time and effort to kill. Most WOTLK mages swear by Venture Goblins in Sholazar Basin for cloth and money but in my opinion there are better spots that are less camped. I would pick something that offers more money and better magic items for the effort. Better yet, kick it up a notch by finding an area to grind that has reliable mining nodes and grind while you wait.
#3 Daily Quests
Pick up daily quests that you can do in a circuit and knock out easily, do them every day. Only do dailies that require you to PVP or go to a dungeon for fun, not for gold because of the time required.
#4 Instance Farming
Instances have always been one of the best ways to farm as every veteran player knows. Back in the day, we used to earn our epic mount money farming silk out of the Scarlet Monastery. Today, you can still use this tactic and go a bit higher up on the food chain. Here is an idea for you; if you are an enchanter run Molten Core with a few friends to get Formula: Enchant Weapon Spell Power. Why would you want to? This enchant has no level requirement so anyone can use it, once you can do this enchant you can make a fortune selling scrolls on the auction house or enchanting weapons for twinks.
With WOTLK you could also use this enchant on any level item. Instances are great sources of gold and always will be because they have better drops of gold, recipes, items than world mobs. Epic crafting drops, bind on equip rare and epic items and recipes are another way to earn some serious cha-ching if you have the multiboxing team or guild to pull off fast well organized raids and heroics.
#5 Mercenary Work
You probably won't find this in any gold guide on the market but there is always cash to be made by an enterprising mercenary. I am not talking about hiring yourself out for 10 gold to run someone through Deadmines either because that is not worth your time, you're better off doing a daily quest. What I am talking about is using your guild to sell out a raid spot. You let one person buy their spot for a price and they get they get bind on pick up items. I know a guild that used to do this with Karazhan and made thousands of gold every time the dungeon reset. If you can get a reliable team of players together you could likely do the same thing with the WOTLK dungeons and raids. If you are a multi boxer you could also hire yourself to get people the good heroic drops or help them farm emblems.
#6 Mining and Jewel Crafting
Mining is the goblin prince of the gathering skills. So many trade skills require the materials that you get from mining that you are guaranteed to always make a profit. Engineers need you, jewel crafters need you, blacksmiths need you, alchemists need you...everyone who plays this game will need jewels for their gear at some point. That's why miners will always be rich. Miners can be even richer if they cut their own jewels and can do their own alchemy transmutations. A quick look at the auction house will show you how much money you can potentially make. Get an epic flying mount or better yet be a druid with epic flying form, swoop in on the nodes before the competition and gut them for valuable ore and more.
In conclusion, while you're out playing the game, think like a goblin. Look for opportunities that lend themselves to a quick profit be it in the auction house or on the lonely steppes of Ice Crown. Think not only of the immediate profit but long term about how you can enhance your account with the right trade skills to become a gold making power house.
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox <b>News</b>: The No. 1 Name in Murder <b>...</b>
With its biggest new star, Glenn Beck, Fox News hired a host well-known for on-air death fantasies--for instance, chattering about killing filmmaker Michael Moore with his bare hands and hoping out loud that Rep. ...
Bad <b>news</b> from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean <b>...</b>
Bad news from Jesse Jackson: Repealing ObamaCare would mean “creeping genocide”
Great <b>news</b>: Jobless rate expected to drop in 2012 to … 8.5% « Hot Air
Everything on the upside will be predicated on the notion we are done with this socialism crap and that is fragile by it's very nature. Reactions to bad news right now could exaggerate. I am confident about that much. ...
eric seiger
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