Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Making Money Scams

God I hate morning afters. But they are inevitable (if you're lucky) As far as I can tell in reading the various postmortems there are two overriding lessons.

The first is that it's the economy (stupid). At nearly 10% unemployment, a foreclosure scandal of epic proportions, Wall Street run amock and a gusher of plutocrat money flowing into the political system, it's almost impossible to believe that the Democrats didn't lose the Senate as well as the House. It was not an ideological election -- Blue Dogs and progressives alike lost their seats, in regions all over the country. It was a primal scream of a vote, against those who promised to make things better and failed to do it.

There are fundamental disagreements about how to fix this, but I expect that "consensus" is about to be found around the idea of austerity. Nonetheless, the Republicans will say the president is a socialist foreigner who is working in league with terrorists to destroy the country, so 2012 may be even more disappointing. If you're a praying person, pray that the invisible hand is hard at work making everything all better very quickly.

As to the other lesson, some of us predicted when the first black president came into office and was accused of proposing death panels for seniors, that the Republicans were firming up their best new demographic. Here's one from March of 2009.

The elderly are easy prey for all kinds of scare stories and scams from unscrupulous people. And nobody is more unscrupulous than a right winger desperate to obstruct a program or politician they know will be popular and empowering of liberals. Here's one example from a few years ago, and as far as I know they are still active today. The groups they fronted for certainly are.

I know it's seems surprising to many that the right is able to mobilize senior citizens against health care reform, but it doesn't surprise me at all. They've been laying the groundwork for this, from dozens of different directions, for decades. The "right to life" people's ongoing efforts to put euthanasia on the table is just well tilled little piece they are using for this particular moment.

The fundamental architecture of the conservative movement is built on a simple premise: liberals want to take all your money and then kill you or they want to kill you and then take all your money. It's not really any more complicated than that.

The right understood they'd lost the youth vote, the ethnic and racial minority vote and usually the female vote. The only demographic vote they had going for them was the elderly. And they've done a masterful job of making seniors feel like they're doing something for their grand kids by denying them health care and ensuring that there will be no safety net for them when they get old. You have to give them credit for that.

And you have to blame the Democrats for failing to see that was a huge part of the Republican strategy going into the mid-terms in which the voting demographic always skews older.

So, here we are. People keep asking me what this means for the progressive movement and I reply --- nothing. Progressives are in this for the long haul. And anyone with any experience knows that the country is polarized between the right and the left, with a bunch of people in between who don't know what to think. All we can do is keep trying out different ways to persuade them that their best bet is to go with the progressive philosophy and require our elected politicians to figure out how to turn that philosophy into governance. It's a long term battle that has periods of intense confrontation and calm conciliation, but it never really ends.

As you go about your business today, feeling like hell, keep in mind that it was just two years ago that many of the same pundits and gasbags were assuring us all that the conservative movement was dead. We are doing a lot of lurching about right now because the country is under stress and our political system is dividing strongly along partisan lines. Get used to it. I suspect we're going to be in for turbulent politics like this for some time. And if we play our cards right, and the Democrats don't completely implode, it's probable that at the end of the day we (or those who come behind us) will look back and see that human rights, economic justice and peace came out the winners more often than not.

I thought that Hillary Clinton had it right when she said at the Democratic Convention in 2008:

My mother was born before women could vote, my daughter got to vote for her mother for President. This is the story of America, of women and men who defy the odds and never give up.

So how do we give this country back to them? By following the example of a brave New Yorker, a woman who risked her lives to bring slaves to freedom along the underground railroad.

On that path to freedom, Harriet Tubman had one piece of advice:

‘If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If they’re shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop, keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.’

And even in the darkest moments. That is what Americans have done. We have found the faith to keep going.

Keep the faith. And anyway, what choice do we have?

Update: Oh, and when they try to blame the bloggers or the liberals, just throw this in their face:

Only 47% of the members of the Democratic “Blue Dog Coalition” won re-election. 95% of the members of the “Progressive Caucus” won re-election. We're divided, but not that way.

And just in case the media hasn't noticed, the Democrats still control one house of congress and the presidency.

Due diligence should always be a two-way street. A while back, I published an article on “Understanding the Dreaded Investor Due Diligence,” describing what investors do to validate your startup before they invest. Here is the inverse, sometimes called reverse due diligence, describing what you should do to validate your investor before signing up for an equity partnership.

I’ve had startup founders tell me that it’s only about the color of the money, but I disagree. Particularly if you are desperate, keep in mind the person who finds a good-looking partner to take home from the bar at closing time, but then wakes up in the morning wondering “What did I just do?” Taking on an investor is like getting married – the relationship has to work at all levels.

Due diligence on an investor is where you validate the track record, operating style, and motivation of your new potential partner. Maybe more importantly, you need to confirm that the investor “chemistry” matches yours. Here are some techniques for making the assessment:

  1. Talk to other investors. The investment community in any geographic area is not that large, and most investors have relationships or knowledge of most of the others. Of course, you need to listen for biases, but local angel group leaders can quickly tell you who the bad angels and good angels are, and what kind of terms they typically demand.

  2. Network with other entrepreneurs. Contact peers you have met through networking, both ones who have used this investor, and ones who haven’t. Ask the investor for “references,” meaning contacts at companies where previous investments were made. Don’t just call, but personally visit these contacts.

  3. Check track record on the Internet and social network. Do a simple Google search like you would on any company or individual before signing a contract. Look for positive or negative news articles, any controversial relationships, and involvement in community organizations. Check the profile of principals on LinkedIn and Facebook.

  4. Spend time with investors in a non-work environment. As with any relationship, don’t just close the deal in a heated rush. Invite the investment principal to a sports event, or join them in helping at a non-profit cause. Here is where you will really learn if there is a chemistry match that will likely lead to a good mentoring and business relationship.

  5. Validate business and financial status. Visit the firm’s website and read it carefully. Look for a background and experience in your industry, as well as quality and style. Conduct a routine credit and criminal check, using commercial services like HireRight. Be wary of individuals or funds sourced from offshore.

If you think all this sounds a bit sinister and unnecessary, go back and read again some of the articles about Bernie Madoff and recent investment scams. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. Entrepreneurs are optimists by nature, so I definitely recommend the involvement of your favorite attorney (usually the pessimist).

I recognize that it has been tough to raise capital these last couple of years, but don’t be tempted to take money from any source. This can be a big mistake, with common complaints running the gamut from unreasonable terms, constant pressure, to company takeovers. Be vigilant and ask questions.

A successful entrepreneur-investor agreement better be the beginning of a long-term relationship. If you don’t feel excited and energized by your first discussions with an investor, give it some time and do your homework. If the feeling doesn’t grow, it may be time to move on. It’s better to be alone than to wish you were alone.

Martin Zwilling is CEO & Founder of Startup Professionals, Inc.; he also serves as Board Member and Executive in Residence at Callaman Ventures and is an advisory board member for multiple startups.This post was originally published on his blog, and it is republished here with permission.

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger

God I hate morning afters. But they are inevitable (if you're lucky) As far as I can tell in reading the various postmortems there are two overriding lessons.

The first is that it's the economy (stupid). At nearly 10% unemployment, a foreclosure scandal of epic proportions, Wall Street run amock and a gusher of plutocrat money flowing into the political system, it's almost impossible to believe that the Democrats didn't lose the Senate as well as the House. It was not an ideological election -- Blue Dogs and progressives alike lost their seats, in regions all over the country. It was a primal scream of a vote, against those who promised to make things better and failed to do it.

There are fundamental disagreements about how to fix this, but I expect that "consensus" is about to be found around the idea of austerity. Nonetheless, the Republicans will say the president is a socialist foreigner who is working in league with terrorists to destroy the country, so 2012 may be even more disappointing. If you're a praying person, pray that the invisible hand is hard at work making everything all better very quickly.

As to the other lesson, some of us predicted when the first black president came into office and was accused of proposing death panels for seniors, that the Republicans were firming up their best new demographic. Here's one from March of 2009.

The elderly are easy prey for all kinds of scare stories and scams from unscrupulous people. And nobody is more unscrupulous than a right winger desperate to obstruct a program or politician they know will be popular and empowering of liberals. Here's one example from a few years ago, and as far as I know they are still active today. The groups they fronted for certainly are.

I know it's seems surprising to many that the right is able to mobilize senior citizens against health care reform, but it doesn't surprise me at all. They've been laying the groundwork for this, from dozens of different directions, for decades. The "right to life" people's ongoing efforts to put euthanasia on the table is just well tilled little piece they are using for this particular moment.

The fundamental architecture of the conservative movement is built on a simple premise: liberals want to take all your money and then kill you or they want to kill you and then take all your money. It's not really any more complicated than that.

The right understood they'd lost the youth vote, the ethnic and racial minority vote and usually the female vote. The only demographic vote they had going for them was the elderly. And they've done a masterful job of making seniors feel like they're doing something for their grand kids by denying them health care and ensuring that there will be no safety net for them when they get old. You have to give them credit for that.

And you have to blame the Democrats for failing to see that was a huge part of the Republican strategy going into the mid-terms in which the voting demographic always skews older.

So, here we are. People keep asking me what this means for the progressive movement and I reply --- nothing. Progressives are in this for the long haul. And anyone with any experience knows that the country is polarized between the right and the left, with a bunch of people in between who don't know what to think. All we can do is keep trying out different ways to persuade them that their best bet is to go with the progressive philosophy and require our elected politicians to figure out how to turn that philosophy into governance. It's a long term battle that has periods of intense confrontation and calm conciliation, but it never really ends.

As you go about your business today, feeling like hell, keep in mind that it was just two years ago that many of the same pundits and gasbags were assuring us all that the conservative movement was dead. We are doing a lot of lurching about right now because the country is under stress and our political system is dividing strongly along partisan lines. Get used to it. I suspect we're going to be in for turbulent politics like this for some time. And if we play our cards right, and the Democrats don't completely implode, it's probable that at the end of the day we (or those who come behind us) will look back and see that human rights, economic justice and peace came out the winners more often than not.

I thought that Hillary Clinton had it right when she said at the Democratic Convention in 2008:

My mother was born before women could vote, my daughter got to vote for her mother for President. This is the story of America, of women and men who defy the odds and never give up.

So how do we give this country back to them? By following the example of a brave New Yorker, a woman who risked her lives to bring slaves to freedom along the underground railroad.

On that path to freedom, Harriet Tubman had one piece of advice:

‘If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If they’re shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop, keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.’

And even in the darkest moments. That is what Americans have done. We have found the faith to keep going.

Keep the faith. And anyway, what choice do we have?

Update: Oh, and when they try to blame the bloggers or the liberals, just throw this in their face:

Only 47% of the members of the Democratic “Blue Dog Coalition” won re-election. 95% of the members of the “Progressive Caucus” won re-election. We're divided, but not that way.

And just in case the media hasn't noticed, the Democrats still control one house of congress and the presidency.

Due diligence should always be a two-way street. A while back, I published an article on “Understanding the Dreaded Investor Due Diligence,” describing what investors do to validate your startup before they invest. Here is the inverse, sometimes called reverse due diligence, describing what you should do to validate your investor before signing up for an equity partnership.

I’ve had startup founders tell me that it’s only about the color of the money, but I disagree. Particularly if you are desperate, keep in mind the person who finds a good-looking partner to take home from the bar at closing time, but then wakes up in the morning wondering “What did I just do?” Taking on an investor is like getting married – the relationship has to work at all levels.

Due diligence on an investor is where you validate the track record, operating style, and motivation of your new potential partner. Maybe more importantly, you need to confirm that the investor “chemistry” matches yours. Here are some techniques for making the assessment:

  1. Talk to other investors. The investment community in any geographic area is not that large, and most investors have relationships or knowledge of most of the others. Of course, you need to listen for biases, but local angel group leaders can quickly tell you who the bad angels and good angels are, and what kind of terms they typically demand.

  2. Network with other entrepreneurs. Contact peers you have met through networking, both ones who have used this investor, and ones who haven’t. Ask the investor for “references,” meaning contacts at companies where previous investments were made. Don’t just call, but personally visit these contacts.

  3. Check track record on the Internet and social network. Do a simple Google search like you would on any company or individual before signing a contract. Look for positive or negative news articles, any controversial relationships, and involvement in community organizations. Check the profile of principals on LinkedIn and Facebook.

  4. Spend time with investors in a non-work environment. As with any relationship, don’t just close the deal in a heated rush. Invite the investment principal to a sports event, or join them in helping at a non-profit cause. Here is where you will really learn if there is a chemistry match that will likely lead to a good mentoring and business relationship.

  5. Validate business and financial status. Visit the firm’s website and read it carefully. Look for a background and experience in your industry, as well as quality and style. Conduct a routine credit and criminal check, using commercial services like HireRight. Be wary of individuals or funds sourced from offshore.

If you think all this sounds a bit sinister and unnecessary, go back and read again some of the articles about Bernie Madoff and recent investment scams. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. Entrepreneurs are optimists by nature, so I definitely recommend the involvement of your favorite attorney (usually the pessimist).

I recognize that it has been tough to raise capital these last couple of years, but don’t be tempted to take money from any source. This can be a big mistake, with common complaints running the gamut from unreasonable terms, constant pressure, to company takeovers. Be vigilant and ask questions.

A successful entrepreneur-investor agreement better be the beginning of a long-term relationship. If you don’t feel excited and energized by your first discussions with an investor, give it some time and do your homework. If the feeling doesn’t grow, it may be time to move on. It’s better to be alone than to wish you were alone.

Martin Zwilling is CEO & Founder of Startup Professionals, Inc.; he also serves as Board Member and Executive in Residence at Callaman Ventures and is an advisory board member for multiple startups.This post was originally published on his blog, and it is republished here with permission.

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger

eric seiger

asia-century-scam-1 by pmt2009

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger

God I hate morning afters. But they are inevitable (if you're lucky) As far as I can tell in reading the various postmortems there are two overriding lessons.

The first is that it's the economy (stupid). At nearly 10% unemployment, a foreclosure scandal of epic proportions, Wall Street run amock and a gusher of plutocrat money flowing into the political system, it's almost impossible to believe that the Democrats didn't lose the Senate as well as the House. It was not an ideological election -- Blue Dogs and progressives alike lost their seats, in regions all over the country. It was a primal scream of a vote, against those who promised to make things better and failed to do it.

There are fundamental disagreements about how to fix this, but I expect that "consensus" is about to be found around the idea of austerity. Nonetheless, the Republicans will say the president is a socialist foreigner who is working in league with terrorists to destroy the country, so 2012 may be even more disappointing. If you're a praying person, pray that the invisible hand is hard at work making everything all better very quickly.

As to the other lesson, some of us predicted when the first black president came into office and was accused of proposing death panels for seniors, that the Republicans were firming up their best new demographic. Here's one from March of 2009.

The elderly are easy prey for all kinds of scare stories and scams from unscrupulous people. And nobody is more unscrupulous than a right winger desperate to obstruct a program or politician they know will be popular and empowering of liberals. Here's one example from a few years ago, and as far as I know they are still active today. The groups they fronted for certainly are.

I know it's seems surprising to many that the right is able to mobilize senior citizens against health care reform, but it doesn't surprise me at all. They've been laying the groundwork for this, from dozens of different directions, for decades. The "right to life" people's ongoing efforts to put euthanasia on the table is just well tilled little piece they are using for this particular moment.

The fundamental architecture of the conservative movement is built on a simple premise: liberals want to take all your money and then kill you or they want to kill you and then take all your money. It's not really any more complicated than that.

The right understood they'd lost the youth vote, the ethnic and racial minority vote and usually the female vote. The only demographic vote they had going for them was the elderly. And they've done a masterful job of making seniors feel like they're doing something for their grand kids by denying them health care and ensuring that there will be no safety net for them when they get old. You have to give them credit for that.

And you have to blame the Democrats for failing to see that was a huge part of the Republican strategy going into the mid-terms in which the voting demographic always skews older.

So, here we are. People keep asking me what this means for the progressive movement and I reply --- nothing. Progressives are in this for the long haul. And anyone with any experience knows that the country is polarized between the right and the left, with a bunch of people in between who don't know what to think. All we can do is keep trying out different ways to persuade them that their best bet is to go with the progressive philosophy and require our elected politicians to figure out how to turn that philosophy into governance. It's a long term battle that has periods of intense confrontation and calm conciliation, but it never really ends.

As you go about your business today, feeling like hell, keep in mind that it was just two years ago that many of the same pundits and gasbags were assuring us all that the conservative movement was dead. We are doing a lot of lurching about right now because the country is under stress and our political system is dividing strongly along partisan lines. Get used to it. I suspect we're going to be in for turbulent politics like this for some time. And if we play our cards right, and the Democrats don't completely implode, it's probable that at the end of the day we (or those who come behind us) will look back and see that human rights, economic justice and peace came out the winners more often than not.

I thought that Hillary Clinton had it right when she said at the Democratic Convention in 2008:

My mother was born before women could vote, my daughter got to vote for her mother for President. This is the story of America, of women and men who defy the odds and never give up.

So how do we give this country back to them? By following the example of a brave New Yorker, a woman who risked her lives to bring slaves to freedom along the underground railroad.

On that path to freedom, Harriet Tubman had one piece of advice:

‘If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If they’re shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop, keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.’

And even in the darkest moments. That is what Americans have done. We have found the faith to keep going.

Keep the faith. And anyway, what choice do we have?

Update: Oh, and when they try to blame the bloggers or the liberals, just throw this in their face:

Only 47% of the members of the Democratic “Blue Dog Coalition” won re-election. 95% of the members of the “Progressive Caucus” won re-election. We're divided, but not that way.

And just in case the media hasn't noticed, the Democrats still control one house of congress and the presidency.

Due diligence should always be a two-way street. A while back, I published an article on “Understanding the Dreaded Investor Due Diligence,” describing what investors do to validate your startup before they invest. Here is the inverse, sometimes called reverse due diligence, describing what you should do to validate your investor before signing up for an equity partnership.

I’ve had startup founders tell me that it’s only about the color of the money, but I disagree. Particularly if you are desperate, keep in mind the person who finds a good-looking partner to take home from the bar at closing time, but then wakes up in the morning wondering “What did I just do?” Taking on an investor is like getting married – the relationship has to work at all levels.

Due diligence on an investor is where you validate the track record, operating style, and motivation of your new potential partner. Maybe more importantly, you need to confirm that the investor “chemistry” matches yours. Here are some techniques for making the assessment:

  1. Talk to other investors. The investment community in any geographic area is not that large, and most investors have relationships or knowledge of most of the others. Of course, you need to listen for biases, but local angel group leaders can quickly tell you who the bad angels and good angels are, and what kind of terms they typically demand.

  2. Network with other entrepreneurs. Contact peers you have met through networking, both ones who have used this investor, and ones who haven’t. Ask the investor for “references,” meaning contacts at companies where previous investments were made. Don’t just call, but personally visit these contacts.

  3. Check track record on the Internet and social network. Do a simple Google search like you would on any company or individual before signing a contract. Look for positive or negative news articles, any controversial relationships, and involvement in community organizations. Check the profile of principals on LinkedIn and Facebook.

  4. Spend time with investors in a non-work environment. As with any relationship, don’t just close the deal in a heated rush. Invite the investment principal to a sports event, or join them in helping at a non-profit cause. Here is where you will really learn if there is a chemistry match that will likely lead to a good mentoring and business relationship.

  5. Validate business and financial status. Visit the firm’s website and read it carefully. Look for a background and experience in your industry, as well as quality and style. Conduct a routine credit and criminal check, using commercial services like HireRight. Be wary of individuals or funds sourced from offshore.

If you think all this sounds a bit sinister and unnecessary, go back and read again some of the articles about Bernie Madoff and recent investment scams. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. Entrepreneurs are optimists by nature, so I definitely recommend the involvement of your favorite attorney (usually the pessimist).

I recognize that it has been tough to raise capital these last couple of years, but don’t be tempted to take money from any source. This can be a big mistake, with common complaints running the gamut from unreasonable terms, constant pressure, to company takeovers. Be vigilant and ask questions.

A successful entrepreneur-investor agreement better be the beginning of a long-term relationship. If you don’t feel excited and energized by your first discussions with an investor, give it some time and do your homework. If the feeling doesn’t grow, it may be time to move on. It’s better to be alone than to wish you were alone.

Martin Zwilling is CEO & Founder of Startup Professionals, Inc.; he also serves as Board Member and Executive in Residence at Callaman Ventures and is an advisory board member for multiple startups.This post was originally published on his blog, and it is republished here with permission.

eric seiger

asia-century-scam-1 by pmt2009

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger

asia-century-scam-1 by pmt2009

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger eric seiger
eric seiger

asia-century-scam-1 by pmt2009

eric seiger
eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

The idea of making money on line is always welcomed by most people. Who wouldn't want to earn on-line and to be getting an income from this source hence, improving financial freedom? There are just lots of methods that one can come out with when it comes to on-line money making. First of all, it's important to research the sites that you are going to join or participate. Are they legit sites, need a minimum sum or stuff like that.

In any situation for on-line money making, organizing one's interests would be very helpful to shortlist the different methods available. There are lots of methods like getting paid to blog, writing articles and gaining from ad revenue, being paid a revenue share for writing, writing sites for clients to outsource, writing letters to submit to a bank of other letters for customers to choose from, paid to review sites, affiliate programs and many more. The list is just endless and there are just enormous ways of on-line money making. In my own personal observation, I notice that there are lots of people liking the idea of paid to blog. That is one of the best methods of earning money.

A lot of people are saying that it's best to not invest in any money at all for your on-line quest. To shed your dollar means something is not right. That's the general rule. There are perhaps lots of people out there making it in their best interest to only participate in free to join websites. However, I think there are legit sites out there with a low minimal fee like for instance, to purchase referrals and gain a bigger ads view per day. This is evident in PTC or what they call Paid to Click programs. There are just aplenty; some are still running while others are either already closed down or total scams. Therefore, be vigilant when choosing your programs. Next off will be the payment options. Choose the right kind of option. There are lots of people using Pay-Pal as well as Alert-Pay. Read the FAQs of each site and get to know their policy and what kind of payment options they are offering. Some only pay in checks so do take note in this kind of situation, you cannot use your Pay-Pal account to receive earnings.

In a way, this on-line money making method and/or various free to join websites can be your ideal work from home idea and some people are so successful that they have been making it their full-time job. However, if you are starting out, it's best to not resign your job for different people success vary definitely. Normally for a site that you are going to work for, say in writing sites, forums or anything at all, there will most probably be a community talk there. It can either be through their Help section, special forum panel and there are even some sites where members can leave testimonials. You can roughly estimate from there; whether the site is worth working for or not. Most sites cite in their terms and conditions that the registered member is an independent contractor. Read the clause and make yourself understand all the terms and words being used. In other words, do your research well.

Some money making sites are even providing a chart on article statistics or traffic coming to which article of yours. This instance is very familiar with Associated Content website and I totally dig this feature. It is a great analyzer for me, really. Summarily, with a little or lots of efforts, honest sites are there and they do pay members whom work hard. Do your research and never give up. Good luck for your quest..

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 11/10 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Kansas City Chiefs fans! Another full day of news for you. DJ, Special Teams, Parity, and this Sunday's opponent wait below. Enjoy.

JLS to appear on X Factor ahead of UK tour | Ticket <b>News</b>

JLS will perform on this week's X Factor results show along with Westlife and Take That.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

eric seiger

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